Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

What’s next week Joe?

Ye are the 14th of Aug

Correct. That’s two weeks time Joe

Melted the head of myself at a 7’s tournament today. Will have a pure livid roaster head on me heading to Croker tomorrow

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@glasagusban @ChocolateMice @carryharry @caoimhaoin

Further to the earlier discussion, a description from ClareHurlersForum of Davy’s pre-championship preparations:

"cost was very high as it would be with 31 backroom staff.No the real story lies in what they were doing. Players families this year were genuinly shocked at th state they came back was 3 2 hour sessions a day with skewed emphasis on physical work.series of 400 and 800m runs and sprints across with of field repeated ad nauseum.

hurling work was small pitch games with 25 to 30 players playing in a coned off area about one third size of normal pitch. this is to practice the short game which was the preferred way of playing-totally artificial and led to some of players questioning it and being told what they could do with themselves.

the guy from waterford then had the players do an exercise where they ran across 5 players chests who were lying on ground. legacy of all this lunacy was a demoralised wrecked group of players who had no spark in the 2 weeks prior to waterford game and were stuck to the ground.

Portugal 2 years ago was similar and you can look back on the cork game to see how off championship pace we were. kinnerks advice being totally ignored that week saw him leave picture. it is the default position of fitzgerald to substitute grinding physical work for proper match based HURLING COACHING. incredibly the waterford defeat saw the same carry on and he is now promising more in october.

The irony is that it damages our hurling immeasureably while not doing anything for the famous strength and conditioning-look how galway horsed us out of every ball. truly this is insane and does not stand up to any scrutiny in team preparation. incredible that this egomaniac is being allowed free rein again in such destructive behaviour."

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To be fair, Conlon looked extremely jaded v Galway but i thought the others looked okay. I just felt Galway’s physical stature was far bigger than the Clare lads which explained the ease at which they bullied them off 50/50 ball. Plus Galway were going to be fresher with the break they had after the Leinster Final.

If that training stated above is true, how did they look so good in the League Final? How come no player/players walked? Surely that amount of training is so badly frowned upon would have seen serious discontent within the panel or backroom staff?

If that’s true you’d have to wonder how the players havent told him to fuck off by now…if that keeps up, not only will Clare waste some of the greatest talent they’ve ever had but he will physically destroy lads. Half that team will be finished by 27/28…utter madness.

Wow, is that first bit right - 3 x 2 hour sessions a day, i.e. 6 hours training in one day?
Was this at a training camp or something?

Edit: I see now it was.

Whats this about players running over each others chests :grinning:

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Was he at the same lark in Waterford?

Just how good is this famous managerial career of his? He’s trained half the hurling teams in the country at this stage.

Is there a team out there who would love to have him back?

It looks like he’ll just continue on as normal with Clare, without a word said.

Those turks should have had him over advising on their recent coup.

They were practicing “walking all over the cunts”. They obviously didn’t do enough of it.


I remember that idiot from Newcestown was doing that with the Cork minors before they played us a few years back. Couldn’t believe that sort of lunacy existed in this day and age. Little did we know our own players were being dragged into similar depths of madness.

A few different reasons I’d say, but players often don’t understand how damaging this stuff is. From their point of view they are training as hard as they possibly could and are having ‘everything provided for them’, i.e. medical support, gear, food etc. They’re in their early twenties, few people that age know much about strength and conditioning and nutrition and so on.

One of the great telltale signs of this sort of over-training is when you see players coming back from injury or a break look way faster and sharper than the rest of the team. If you look at McGrath against Galway he looked on a different level to the rest of our lads.


Lads come on Davy will know whats best plus he is the man who can pull in guys we need. Get rid of the 31 men. get in 3 good guys

but if i was to put money on it i hearrd 3 names

Why didn’t someone tell him to fuck off? Have they no leaders in the squad?

It would end up like the coup in Turkey I fear.


The players need to get their printers out Joe, or we’re finished.


Any word going around pall?

@flattythehurdler is dead right, plus he did rid the panel of drink/drugs a few years back. :smile: