Classic Simpsons Quotes

Bart: Yo, Dr. S, have you seen Milhouse today?

Dr. S: No.

Bart: OK, thanks.

Dr. S: Wait, did you know that there’s a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it.

Bart: I will.

Dr. S: No, you won’t.

Will they find him or will they find him and kill him?

Well theylll (mmrrrrrr)…

Sorry - you didn’t answer. You just trailed off.

Ah… yeah I did kinda trail off there.

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You love that page! A few friends of mine are regular contributers, seems to keep people very occupied.

I do! Tis about the only thing I miss about Facebook tbf :slight_smile:

His breath stank of beer and pretzeled bread.

Very apt today.


He says his name is Homer and he works at the nuclear power plant.


Some of the Richard Nixon references were unreal

Some good replies here :slight_smile:

Where’s the producer?!! I want to speak about this coffee!!!



Simpson’s Powerplant softball team on sky one now. Absolute classic


Can I get you a beer?
No!! I want to get him a beer.

Kids, kids, kids you can both get me a beer

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Would you care to bet a million dollars?

Mr. Burns: Oh, if we’re going to bet, why not make it interesting?

What, a million dollars isn’t interesting to you?

Mr. Burns: Oh, did you say a million? I’m sorry, my mind was elsewhere. I thought you’d start with a small amount, then we’d slowly bait each other, and . . . well, you know how it goes. Yes, certainly, a million will be fine.

$50,000 to play one game?
Well it’s a pay cut but what the hell, sounds like fun

One more out burst like that and I’ll send you back to the big leagues

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Burns : If a couple of Chinese bamboo gobblers can win people’s hearts, I’m going to bring them something that man has searched for since the dawn of time.

Homer Simpson : A sober Irishman?

Burns : Even rarer.

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One of the best, top 5.

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My favourite episode, the theme song :rofl: