Classic Simpsons Quotes

Keep going pal, someone will eventually bite

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The spambot strikes again


I’m just shocked grown men find it funny. Amazes me.

The list of what amazes you has no end I’d say.


I wish I could retire. Man that would be sweet.


He’s not far off,from the day the auld yank starts working all he thinks about is retiring.Youd hear first year apprentices talking about retiring to Florida.



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Ah, they’re not so bad. They even named a street after me in San Francisco!

It’s full of what?!!


And my doctor said I wouldn’t have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there.


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This is the room with the electricity. But there is too much electricity so…. I don’t know… you might want to wear a hat.

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That was the best rabbit hole I ever went down. Cheers!

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