Classic Simpsons Quotes

For the record that thread was not set up to take the piss out of farmer. I msimply set the ball in motion. Where it goes is not up to me. For all our disagreements I think farmer is a thoroughly alright sort.

Not a quote but the puke ray from that terrific Angry Dad episode.


I was just in a surreal meeting there.

Anyway at one point our crack management team were describing something and immediately this scene popped in to my head:

Skinner retires to the kitchen for a second. When he walks back into the dining room, we can see that the entire kitchen is in flames.
Skinner: [faking a yawn] Well, that was wonderful. Good time was had by all. I’m pooped.
Chalmers: Yes, I guess I should be –
[notes entire kitchen is on fire]
Good Lord, what is happening in there?
Skinner: Aurora Borealis?
Chalmers: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? A this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: May I see it?
Skinner: Oh, erm… No.

I had to try really hard not to burst out laughing in a room of about 20 people which included my boss and my bosses boss.

from A star is burns,
Burns-smithers get me stephen spielberg,i want him to do for me what he done for oscar schlinder
Smithers-i believe spielberg is busy sir
Burns-well then get me his non union mexican equivalent

[quote=“massey ferguson”]from A star is burns,
Burns-smithers get me stephen spielberg,i want him to do for me what he done for oscar schlinder
Smithers-i believe spielberg is busy sir
Burns-well then get me his non union mexican equivalent[/quote]

To flesh out that Oscar Schindler line a bit:

‘I want him to do for me what he did for Oscar Schindler. Both of us owned industrial plants, both of us sold shells to the Nazis, but mine worked dammit!!’

Homer: Lousy teachers, trying to palm off our kids on us!
Lisa: But, Dad, by striking, they’re trying to effect a change in
management so that they can be happier and more productive.
Homer: Lisa, if you don’t like your job, you don’t strike: you just go
in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American

Homer: So, how was everybody’s day at school?
Bart: Horrifying!
Lisa: Pointless!
Marge: Exhausting. It took the children forty minutes to locate Canada
on the map.
Homer: Marge, anyone can miss Canada, all tucked away down there.

The first one there is one of the show’s best ever quotes.

“Marge, you being a cop makes you the man! Which makes me the woman — and I have no interest in that, besides occasionally wearing the underwear, which as we discussed, is strictly a comfort thing”.

that is a class episode, one of my favourite scenes is the following

Homer: Boy, when Marge first told me she was going to the police
academy, I thought it’d be fun and exciting, you know, like that
movie, “Spaceballs”. But instead it’s been painful and
disturbing like that movie “Police Academy”.
Barney: Hey Homer, I’m worried about the beer supply. After this case,
and the other case, there’s only one case left!
[pretending to be the other people in the room] Yeah, yeah!
Uh, Barney’s right. Yeah, let’s drink some more beer. Yeah!
Hey, what about some beer? Yeah, Barney’s right.
Homer: All right, guys, pipe down. I got some more in the garage.
Herman: [quickly] Uh, I’ll, I’ll get it for you, Homer.
Homer: Hmm. I wonder why he’s so eager to go to the garage?
Moe: The “garage”? Hey fellas, the “garage”! Well, ooh la di da,
Mr. French Man.
Homer: Well what do you call it?
Moe: A car hole!

YA HA HA HA HA. That brings back memories that quote!

Uh, Barney’s right. Yeah, let’s drink some more beer. Yeah!
Hey, what about some beer? Yeah, Barney’s right.
Homer: All right, guys, pipe down. I got some more in the garage.
Herman: [quickly] Uh, I’ll, I’ll get it for you, Homer.
Homer: Hmm. I wonder why he’s so eager to go to the garage?
Moe: The “garage”? Hey fellas, the “garage”! Well, ooh la di da,
Mr. French Man.
Homer: Well what do you call it?
Moe: A car hole!

Wasn’t the last line “a car halt”? I could be wrong but what the hey, it’s a hell of a quote

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Nah it’s a car hole bro.

I hadn’t watched a Simpsons episode for at least a couple of years until last night when this thread put it into my mind.

“A gun is not a weapon Marge, it’s a tool, like a butcher knife or a harpoon or eh, eh, an alligator” :lol:

Homer: Larry, there’s only one sure way to make him realize how much he loves you. And that is a phony kidnapping.
Larry: Yeah, right. I don’t know. Maybe I should just leave town.
Homer: [singing persuasively] Phony kidnapping…
Larry: Nah… I know what I gotta do. I gotta clean up my act. No more joking around all the time. No more slacking off at work. And most important, no more booze! [throws down glass of alcohol] I know I can do it.

Burns: [reading a letter] “Your son has been kidnapped.”

Ah Rodney Dangerfield. Bless him.

“Oh boy, customers. Papa needs a new pair of everything”

Homer: Hello, Mr. Burns. This is the kidnapper. Do you miss your son?
Burns: Yes, I’m missing one son. Return it immediately!
Homer: If you really love Larry, prove it, and you can have him back today.
Burns: Oh, how much proof do you need? 5,000? 6,000? I swear, that’s all I’ve got.
Homer: Don’t you care about your son? This is more important than money.
Burns: More important than money? Who is this?

Bob: You do know I used to have a…problem with trying to kill people.
Cecil: Goodness! I had no idea! For you see, I have been on Mars for the past decade, in a cave with my eyes shut, and my fingers in my ears.
Bob: Touche, Cecil.

Lisa had some great quotes:

‘I heard you last night, Bart. You prayed for this. … I’m no theologian; I don’t know who or what God is exactly, all I know is He’s a force more powerful than Mom and Dad put together, and you owe Him big’.

NO FARMER NO! lisa is a pain in the ass

Ned flanders: the answer to a question no one asked