Classic Simpsons Quotes

Just seen that Banksy intro, huge big fucking meh from me anyway.




THE Man surrendered last night after glimpsing Banksy’s opening credits sequence for The Simpsons.

He must feel like such a fool
Across London fatcat businessmen with their bowler hats and their umbrellas admitted the game was up as financial experts predicted the fall of everything that mattered by Christmas.

Tom Logan, head of futures trading for Worldcorp, said: “I’m now going to open up a fair trade pamphlet-printing co-operative and I’d like to personally thank Banksy for blowing my mind.”

Sir Martin Bishop, professor of cartoon socio-economics at Reading University, explained that the artist had somehow used paint to reveal that big businesses are really very nasty or something.

He added: "Banksy has rounded up all the things I thought I knew and machined gunned them into a pit in a hail of red hot truth bullets.

"I’m going to set fire to all my big books and replace them with that poster of a copper smoking a joint.

“My parents are going to be furious, but I don’t care.”

Banksy originals have long been popular with the world’s key political thinkers, including Brad Pitt and Christina Aguilera, but the Simpson’s commission is the first time he has been able to fire his truth-guided wisdom rockets through the medium of television.

The enigmatic artist, who keeps his identity secret as a bold condemnation of celebrity and the cultural hegemony of forenames, said: "Doing loads of drawings over and over again that were essentially the same thing was not, to be honest, much of a stretch for me. I kept getting Bart’s hair wrong but they’ve got loads of Korean people to correct stuff like that.

“Here, tell you what, how about I spray paint this Greggs sandwich wrapper with a picture of a judge wanking into a Rasta’s hat?”

Mulder: Mr. Simpson, we want you to recreate your every move the night you saw the alien.
Homer: The evening began at the gentlemen’s club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon.
Scully: Mr. Simpson, it’s a felony to lie to the FBI.
Homer: We were sitting in Barney’s car eating packets of mustard. Happy?

Classic, was watching it too.

Same episode, Moe, “jeez, who’d have thought a whale would weigh this much”

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“moochin war widows”

Lots of great clips on youtube now:

I’d like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro?

One of my favourite episodes ever


Hank Scorpio :clap:
Deep Space Homer :clap:
Monorail :clap:

Disappointing omission of Homer at the Bat, never a fan of the Lisa centric ones to be honest.

To celebrate the 500th episode of [6vEZovPVHio[/media]eature=related"]a fantastical hallucinatory journey]([media=youtube) upon which his spiritual guide is the Space Coyote voiced by Johnny Cash. Brilliant. “Probably the most beautifully animated and realised sequence that they’ve done,” thinks @Finkfloyd. “Homer as the big-shot chili taster is hilarious too.”

Number 4: Marge vs. The Monorail (Season 4 Episode 12)
Simpsons fans are very passionate about this Conan O’Brien-penned episode. Possibly because it includes the best dialogue of all-time — as quoted by @DingleDangel:
Marge: “Homer, there’s someone here who can help you!”
Homer: “Is it Batman?”
Marge: “No, he’s a scientist”
Homer: “Batman’s a scientist!”

3: Last Exit To Springfield (Season 4 Episode 17)
@JamieTheCFH thought this the “perfect example of the new ‘darkness’ The Simpsons developed by season 4”. Mr Burns tries to bribe Homer as head of the union, but Homer mistaking his move as a homosexual advance from Burns – with the result that Burns thinks he’s a great negotiator: “Sorry, Mr. Burns, but I don’t go in for these backdoor shenanigans. Sure, I’m flattered, maybe even a little curious, but the answer is no!”

Number 2: Cape Feare (Season 5 Episode 2)
“Every second line is the most brilliant gag,” thinks @Saint1976. “The rakes, the letters, the Thompsons, Hannibal crossing the alps, the chainsaw and hockey mask, the cactus patch, Grandpas pills and the wolves, the score to HMS Pinafore, bake him away toys. I could go on. I’m giggling at my desk just trying to remember them all.”

Number 1: You Only Move Twice (Season 8 Episode 2)
“You Only Move Twice is not only the best Simpsons episode ever but one of the best episodes of ANYTHING ever,” reckons @WilburWhateley, a view that’s far from unique. It is written by the most prolific, celebrated and reclusive writer from The Simpsons early years, John Swartzwelder – a man who when smoking was banned from his local diner, bought the booth in which he used to sit, smoke and write and installed it in his own home. Spoofing Bond, with brilliant sight gags, featuring the fantastic supervillain/ entrepreneur Hank Scorpio and a relentless string of classic gags, it’s the one Simpsons episode everyone agreed they loved.
Scorpio: "By the way, Homer. Which is your least favourite country? Italy or France’?
Homer: “…France”
Scorpio: “Nobody ever says Italy…”

Three shocking omissions

‘Trash of the Titans’
Marge reviews expense reports. Marge: How on Earth could you have spent $4.6 million in one month? Homer: They let me sign checks with a stamp, Marge. A stamp!


Bart Simpson[font=Verdana][size=3]: [over loud speaker] Hey everybody, vote for my dad, Homer Simpson. If you don’t he’ll beat us. [/size][/font]
Homer Simpson[font=Verdana][size=3]: [over loud speaker] Why you little… er… No one’s gonna beat you, son. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=3][under his breath, but still audible] [/size][/font]
Homer Simpson[font=Verdana][size=3]: You’re gonna get such a beating![/size][/font]

‘Homer vs the Eighteenth Amendment’

Banner: You’re out there somewhere, beer baron! And I’ll find you.Homer: [distant, barely audible] No you won’t!Banner: Yes, I will!Homer: Won’t!

‘Simpson Tide’

Homer Simpson[font=Arial][size=3]: Mr. Moe, prepare to surface. [/size][/font]
Moe[font=Arial][size=3]: You want to stop calling me Mr. Moe? [/size][/font]
Homer Simpson[font=Arial][size=3]: No. [/size][/font]

Homer[font=Arial][size=3]: Damage report, Mr. Moe. [/size][/font]
Moe[font=Arial][size=3]: Sonar: out. Navigation: out. Radio: out. [/size][/font]
Homer[font=Arial][size=3]: Enough of what’s out. What’s in? [/size][/font]
Moe[font=Arial][size=3]: Ice-blended moccha drinks and David Schwimmer. [/size][/font]
Homer[font=Arial][size=3]: Yes, he is handsome in an ugly sort of way. [/size][/font]

My favourite episodes off the top of my head:

  • Radioactive Man filmed in Springfield.
  • Homer goes into space.
  • Mr Bergstrom, the substitute teacher
  • Lurleen, the country singer
  • Homer as the beer baron
  • The one with the comet
  • Homer goes to College
  • Homer becomes Mr Burns assistant (anything with Mr Burns really)
  • Homer goes to Clown College

And so many more…

Homer: ‘You have a great voice’
Lurleen: 'I have loads of other songs too. ‘Don’t look up my skirt unless you mean it’

No ‘Mother Simpson’ on that list?

Favourite spinning newspaper headline comes from Trash of the Titans.
Well, it’s the sub line that I love.
‘Local nut at it again’ :lol:

Marge: Homer, when are you going to give up this crazy sugar scheme?
Homer: Never, Marge. Never. I can’t live the button-down life like you. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. Sure, I might offend a few of the bluenoses with my cocky stride and musky odors - oh, I’ll never be the darling of the so-called “City Fathers” who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about “What’s to be done with this Homer Simpson?”

Nelson: So burn the flag if you must, but before you do, you better burn a few other things! You better burn your shirt and your pants! Be sure to burn your TV and car! Oh yes, and don’t forget to burn your house! Because none of those things could exist without six white stripes, seven red stripes, and a hell of a lot of stars!

Just re-reading that Nelson quote again. Pure genius. The ‘hell of a lot of stars’ is the clincher.

Homer at the bat is mine,Mr Burns on top form and the softball song will never be forgotten!