Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

He’s an awful gobshite who has never had anything worth reading or listening to.

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Its even more lovely for that.

I have to disagree mate.

It’s shite, standard for what he writes. I’m sure he thinks he’s very insightful and intelligent but he’s just a dose, a boring, unoriginal dose.

I agree.

Its why this was so surprising.

You don’t follow a club mate so hard to understand for you.

How do you know?

You tell me? You do?

You are the one telling me about me. I’m asking how do you know? Are you going to be a typical Cark quisling and duck the question?

Youve never mentioned going to a club game for one.

I’ll ask again. How would you know? Not really too go at answering a question are you?

Or playing for a club, or even training with a club, or even going in the gate of a club. He’ll no doubt adopt some team now, and wrap himself furiously up in their colours. It’s a happy little delusion he has.


How would a fat Garda like you know?

I think yer man Murph has made a lot of lads who’ve lost touch with their home clubs feel a bit guilty this morning.


Will it be enough for Sunday ?

Few lads will be scrambling around to buy a few lotto tickets this weekend

Murph penned an article earlier this year about attending a match in torrential rain. He does a lovely line in twee observations while travelling to watch matches. A bit like a GAA version of Bill Bryson. He’ll knock a book out of it yet.

If your not purchasing lotto tickets for at least 3 different Gaa clubs you’re a pure solid cunt

I’m in about half a dozen at any given time. They’re in ours as a result. No cash changes hands. Tis how it goes


Decent piece. I sometimes envy lads who stayed living at ‘home’ but at the end of the day it’s a choice you make really.