Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

iPhone have scanners.

Failing that, just take a picture

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But pay no attention. Itā€™s a book written by somebody with academic qualifications in neuroscience.


I also argue with facts and logic.

When you ask Mike ā€œIā€™m a little bit light on detailā€ Hunt to substantiate his points he discombobulates.

Iā€™m still asking him to substantiate his allegation this morning, I find it bad manners when he would something as blatantly untrue and unfounded and continue to make an allegation that should be easy to substantiate if true and continue to fail to do so.

Then again, anyone who is duped by a clown like Jurgen Klopp is the most likely to be taken in by any sort of cult.

ā€œ Copy & Paste ā€œ

Now I could be wrong here, but making that statement would appear to be putting yourself in the same category as those categorised as ā€œillogical self-confidence in less intelligent peopleā€. But shure my CSE in woodwork doesnā€™t qualify me to argue with you.


Oh dear

I just googled that and there you go! Every dayā€™s a school day.

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Iā€™ve never had to respond to a reasonable point youā€™ve made as youā€™re permanently drunk from the fumes off @malarkeyā€™s underwear and utterly incapable of making one.

You cowardly little sycophant.

Youā€™re welcome bro.

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Great point, well argued.

I did copy & paste it bro. And Iā€™ve seen it on Twitter too

Letā€™s recap on your last few posts.

Why even bother? Imagine being as limited as you.


Iā€™m off today bro so we can do this all day?

You off too?

While I wouldnā€™t quite have Holohan down as an expert on much apart from covering ass, he did at least admitted and learned from his mistake about allowing visitors in to nursing homes. Those who had an optimistic view on how bad Covid would be have hidden or dug in.

I had you above simplistic gibberish like ā€œprotecting the elderly and vulnerableā€. You disappoint me.

Still waiting Mike.

You could so easily prove me wrong but it seems so tough for you?

Surely you can substantiate your claim?

Ffs. Lads like you would let the entire disaster occur again given half a chance, just to prove youā€™re precious and entitled to be wrong

Iā€™m not sure how you can say I was/am wrong when I made no predictions on Covid. The disaster that did occur was partly because of pressure put on by people who were more interested in the dollar than peopleā€™s lives. Funnily enough, they were prone to mentioning ā€œprotect the vulnerable and ederyā€. They were especially culpable for what happened at Christmas.

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The PCR tests, vaccines and stay at home on full pay and buy shit from Amazon clique?