Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yeah we had over 500 available beds during Covid, which could stretch to 800 if required.

Would there be any point? Sure it’ll never even get close to as bad as last time?

He left me out as well but I’m biding my time to wield the dagger

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The max number of beds occupied during Covid was 160 for Covid patients in the second week of April.

After other non Covid patients were considered, we still had around 220 free beds up to that 500. Plus 300 or so additional beds available for surges.

In reality Ireland’a health system coped quite well with Covid. The issue was nursing homes and poor general PPE.

The issue with the ICU beds is that the number “available” changes day to day (depending on staffing) and the media just report the HSE statement on beds free. The total capacity isn’t actually reported (that’s also dynamic), nor is the surge capacity.

The HSE’s daily reports are all available for the likes of Richard Boyd Barrett to review. They are a pretty useless organisation generally but the data is there.


ICU beds didn’t fill because they left the old to die in nursing homes. An abject failure on our part, but to be fair they were waiting for a surge that never came

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Ah for fucks sake @Locke. You’re not a child. Hes a filthy corrupt FF scumbag who served in cabinet in the worst 2 governments in the history of the state. Google Michael Martin wife bank account donation.
He’s also a fucking idiot going on his current performance. Being walked on by his government ‘partners’ and attacked by his own backbenches.


If you go on a ventilator in your 80s you’re most likely not coming off it. Covid or no Covid. People in nursing homes are typically very fragile and six months from death.

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True. But I’m just making the point they could have filled the beds if they’d brought the people from the nursing homes in and tried to help them.

That is true. The nursing homes issue is a different issue. People who are not in a good way are largely cared for by minimum wage unqualified carers. They are run for a profit and too many high dependency residents kills the margin.

I’ve seen the contracts to stay in a home and it depressed me. It is equivalent of charging a child for how many pages he wants to colour in a crèche. Having seen it I’d prefer a pillow over my face.


Separate point really. Many wouldn’t go to ICU in “normal” circumstances with influenza or whatever.

I do think we need to reassess end of life care in Ireland generally though. That’s purely based on personal experience of late though.



No pal of mine bro, he’s as bad as your beloved Grealish. Galway deserves better don’t you think?

Never a truer word said brother :pray:

He also pretty much singlehandedly introduced the smoking ban. So I think you’re being unfair on him.

I think he is better than the vast majority of them. He has the misfortune to be tied to a party of backward fuckwits, is in bed with a party of snakes, and is essentially on the same path as the previous government following NPHET advice which is bad and has been bad for a long time. Time is increasingly showing that NPHET are doing a bad job and it’s a lot harder now to manage reopening than it was to shut things down.

That’s not go say he’s doing a good job or anything. It’s been a car crash.


Why was he taking money from property developers and putting it in his wife’s bank account?

Why did he not tell the truth at the subsequent tribunal?

He’s a slimeball.


Where are we assembling

There is worry that the anger generated by the controversy in Galway [surrounding Wednesday’s golf dinner] and the possibility of more [Covid-19] restrictions will lead to a large turnout and heightened temperatures,” a senior garda source said. “That comes with public safety risks.

Obviously any lad with a heightened temperature should stay at home or if attendance at the anti-mask protest is essential then do please wear a mask.

they can stick their masks up their arse, where they wearing them in Clifden?

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Emotions are high. There is a Lunatic fringe On tfk who may go to this “tooled up”.

I was out earlier and I saw @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in a petrol station.

That’s unusual I thought to my self. He is very anti ICE so why would he be in a petrol station. He had three or four Jerry cans.

I turned the corner and @Spidey was there waiting for him with @Fagan_ODowd old milk float. TSG insisted on an e-vehicle. They had it loaded with empty Millennium milk bottles They obviously had bought on eBay and taken apart the lamps they had been made into.

Lockdown drinking I said with a smirk.

Yeah said @TreatyStones coming out of the shadows. Molotov Cocktails.

He threw down the cigarette he was smoking for effect.

@Spidey shouted at him Angrily - mentioning the highly combustible fuel.

You could see in his eyes he was worried about being in this venture with a zoolander type.

With that, I saw the Lycra clad @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy walking back carrying two Jerry cans followed by @tazdedub counting his change after deliberately not paying by contactless. I headed off as TSG would go mad if he saw the 6 liter ICE I was atop.


i tried to book a table for 7 people for a family occasion last night and was informed that due to the new guidelines only six people can sit at one table, what the fuck is wrong with this country?

That article is pay walled. Here is another by Finto about MM for balance. I’d suggest paying particular attention to his ‘forgetfulness’ in the tribunal and his answers to Liz McManus.
Deny, deflect, deny.

The guy has had very tough times personally and I would have sympathy for him on those grounds. He is however, FF scum. They built the systemic corruption. He was part of it and profited from it. Every shit estate with fuck all infrastructure that @KinvarasPassion goes on holiday in was built by dodgy developers who kicked money up into the machine. We have the evidence him and his wife got money from developers. We’ll never know exactly how much in actual cash he got. He’s now the head of the snake.