Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

Would you be more afraid of Cork than those two, out of curiosity

Ive been consistent in my view


And well reasoned tooā€¦.

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Didnā€™t seem disinterested prior to match on hereā€‹:muscle::muscle::muscle::roll_eyes:

No way

Shur ye drew with Dublin, thatā€™s surely worth some humble pie.

I would still fancy Waterford to beat Cork in knockout Championship. I donā€™t know about Galway yet.

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Thereā€™s nothing between the chasing pack only a puck of the ball either way

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I think Cork can separate themselves from the other also rans this year,
Iā€™d fancy them against anybody except Galway.

And yes, @fenwaypark m, injuries could be Limericks downfall, just like Cork in 2018 actually. They might struggle if they lose some of the key men

Weā€™re going to absolutely destroy and dismantle all of ye cunts again this year. Make no mistake about it.


Thatā€™s always been true; very few teams can afford to lose a number of top players. We did okay without Casey & English in defence, had to rejig things a bit but Peter Casey is already a big loss in attack, especially with his natural replacement out for the year too.

Galway are 7/4 tonight for anybody interested. Id make it a 50/50 butI wouldnā€™t be surprised if Cork targetted Limerick and will be getting ready or are into a very heavy few weeks of training.

If Limerick loss a Sean Finn, Kyle Hayes, Cian Lynch or Geroid Hegarty, they would come back to pack quickly imho.

Hayes is the one for me, he makes half forwards think twice the whole time. Gets them doubting as theyre so worried about him the other way. They end up doing things they wouldnā€™t usually. Jack Oā€™Conner is the best man for him as his pace would give Kyler something to think about at least. If theres a vulnerability there when heā€™s at full tilt, it might be on the turn.

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Theyā€™re all great players and would be massive losses, I think we could probably survive losing one of them if we had everyone else (although already missing Casey & Murphy). Lynch is probably the one where thereā€™s nobody that similar in style but Quaid is our one truly irreplaceable player.

But obviously the more injuries you suffer, the bigger the blows which is why itā€™s important to develop options in the league.


None of those are Limerickā€™s most important player. If you lost any of that quartet theyā€™d rejig things but it would be manageable - while still weakening the team.

An injury to Nickie Quaid would be catastrophic, though.


Itā€™s a fair point until they are actually missing.

Correct. The single most vital cog in the wheel.

@thealsorans still donā€™t get itā€¦

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Theyā€™d have to get McNamara in and maybe if he knew heā€™d play he would do it

Kiely doesnā€™t roll like that. Itā€™d be Hennessy and just like that our title hopes would be gone

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Fuck it youā€™re right, wouldnā€™t be in the culture of the panel. He is right I suppose.