Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

Great April fools statement from Cork in fairness

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A very good summary here. I’m not even sure they deserve home advantage next season.

If you burn your neighbors house down, it doesn’t make your house look any better.

We used to have some proper administrators…

Croke Pk are calling all the shots when comes to the finances wrt PUC from what I hear. CCB are just a front to keep the natives happy and have zero power here.

A bit of a turn around from the days when Frank Murphy ran the GAA and Croke Park was only a front.


I presume Frank would have footed the bill there?

Ye bent the knee again

Pairc Ui Rinn cant deal with parking for a crowd of 1k people never mind a full house

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Sure can’t they park in the same place as they would for PUC?

This is noghing but a war of egos. The cork county board just assumed they could bring the game accross the road and the Munster council flexng their muscles. Cork football isnt exactly in a good place and Id be surprised if the game drew more than 8/10k regardless of where its played

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I doubt you’d get 10k at it anyway

has this newbridge or nowhere type carry on gone too far? where does it all end

play the fucking match where it is fixed by the GAA and get on with it

FFS Cork get 2 home matches in a row after the trip to Killarney in 2022 so cant see how noses of players can be too out of joint unless they have the scutters at the thought of Killarney


Would Cork not be better off having home advantage in a few years anyway when they might be a better team?

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What was ating the cork footballers the year they didnt come out after normal time and Barney Rock kicked the winning goal into an empty net? always some whine outta them

I actually don’t know what’s going on, I think they should just be play the game.
But this squad isn’t being prepared for matches two years away, they’ll think they have a chance

This has nothing to do with the “Newbridge thing” This is Cork county board saying to the Munster council “Fuck you. We need the money from the concert and we’re bringing the game across the road” and the Munster Council saying " Fall in cunts"

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all in you imagine they be best off playing it in Pairc Ui Chaoimh this year, but yeah the match swings back to PUC over next 2 years so it is no big deal , but of course an outbreak of SIPTUness is never too far away in Cork

The statement of we are downing tools is from the players and management so perhaps the board are not too pushed ???

Its s load of bollox from two perspectives.

  1. Kerry will win pulling up regardless of venue.
  2. Theyll be lucky to get 8/10k attendance regardless of venue.