Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

So when would you propose is a good time for an underage manager to make the step?
He was the obvious choice, it would have been scandalous if he wasn’t given the opportunity,
But either way, talk of an outside manager for Cork is absolute nonsense, and who exactly are the candidates?

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They actually changed their style significantly mid season just gone.

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I wouldn’t say significantly. They moved players around but they mainly got them working which is a minimum requirement really

Ah they did change a nice bit after the Limerick game in the sheer amount of fuck acting they did with the ball in the backs. Moving Joyce to centre and Coleman to wing was a bit part of that as well.

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Serve an apprenticeship by being part of a management team or get experience by managing another county.

They’re getting there you’d feel. Nailing the centre back is huge. A ball winning half forward or two and working out what to do with Tim O’Mahony and theyre not far. Downey seems to be getting better at fullback, not perfect at 3 but I think the best in a long time.


You’ve said Ryan was the best internal candidate,
But you haven’t said who the best candidate was, who would you have gone after?

Ryan being the best internal candidate is a very low bar to be fair. If Ryan got Waterford job a couple of years back and did poorly, he would never have got the Cork job. Herein lies the problem.

Ive said previously, that Davy Fitz was preferred candidate but it was a moot point as Cork dont appoint outside managers.

Well I’d never agree with you on Davy Fitz, I’ve nothing against him but I wouldn’t see it as a progressive appointment.

I think there was a lot of bright shoots last year, a bit to go yet, I hope Ryan is the man to do it, 24 will be our year

The Galway Cork match was one of the worst matches Ive ever seen, standard wise, between two competitive Liam McCarty sides.

It was a rare sight indeed in recent years, Cork forcing mistakes out of the opposition because they were working hard. Cork playing to the end even though everything went against them and they got no luck. The keeper doesn’t throw one in and Lehane hasn’t a mare on the frees and Cork win easily imo.

We’ll see next year anyway.


Ya, I said at the time, it was one of Corks better performances of recent years in many ways, just one of those days

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Yeah, think you’ve to give them credit, they didn’t roll over, just things went against them. Was it their sharpest hurling performance ever? No, but they fought hard and were there at the end. They’ve been slated plenty as a team that gives up.

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Aaron Myers surely get a go next year.

In fairness, he had a team of “hall of famers” to work with.

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You definitely didn’t watch that game in person! Cork were septic for large parts of that game

Absolutely and Galway only slightly better. A shocking match overall with very poor standard. I was chatting to a few Galway lads before the second game started and they were half sickened at the thought of playing Limerick next. To be fair they pulled out of a fine performance that day.

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It was one of their better performances

I saw cork twice last year and neither performance was any good so you might be right. The bar is low in fairness