Cork v Tipp - Munster Hurling Semi-Final

I disagree on Aisake, he was involved directly in 3-06, we weren’t relying on him for scores, we were relying on him for possession, although we got a huge amount out of our half forwards in a creative sense. Thats fairly healthy. I’m sure most Cork people (i even mentioned it here last week) would have been happy if all he did was win ball and didn’t score at all. His 2 scores showed he has learned alot, and they surprised even me. The goal he made the right angle (he was brutal for that) and he shortened the hurley (he was brutal at that as well) to score. The point he made sure he made space first, showed a little pace and scored. A couple of weeks ago he would have just shot straight away and be blocked/hooked.

He is still awkward looking, but so what. Ray Cummins is regarded by many of his generation as the best full forward ever, but he didn’t score that much either. I think SEan Og did some good things, but on a 2nd viewing he was definitely the least best of the backs. Curran, Gardiner and Cadogan were outstanding. I’m not sure what whinging your on about Gman, he had got a bad belt one time when it looked like the ref was throwing it in, he was right to question it, any other time he was roaring on his team mates. Its actually the first time anyone has ever seen him like that to be honest, he’s generally laid back, even though he goes in hard.

Anyway, nobody is getting carried away. I looked at it all again last night and Seamus Callinan is still a bit of a dope, very selfish and makes dreadful decisions, he made life easy for Cork. I’ve great time for Fanning, and young Cahill can’t certainly hurl and will improve, but i really have doubts about Conor O’ Mahoney. I’ve always thought he could be troubled by a Jerry O’ Connor type player, and he was at sea yesterday. He isn’t as commanding as alot of other center backs.

John O’ Brien did well enough, Brendan Maher tried very hard and Corbett ran hard at periods, but other than Tipp didn’t function. Where in Gods name was Shane McGrath, i might even watch it again at the weekend, but i can’t remember him on the ball.

Sheedy got showed up yesterday, jumping around the line, abusing the ref and not watching the game tactically enough, i was right down beside him for the game. He was seriously outfoxed yesterday by DW. I’m sure he’ll learn from it.

Its good for Cork that its Limerick, we should win handy, and the normal route suits an older team. I expect Galway to win Leinster, so Tipp and KK could end up in qualifiers, and if they meet it could take alot out of them. I think its been set up for Galway a bit this year, and they are in with a great chance of winning it all.

ah it was only a minor gripe about Cadogan, but any tackle in or around his area he was mouthing ot the ref. he was doing the usual fist pumping as well as all defenders do, but I just hate this shit of lads chasing a referee and moaning. Tipp were at it too at times, but no one in particular. Gardiner is a cunt for it too, but sure I hate him anyways! :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no doubt Aisake has improved alright, but all I’m saying is he wont get away with needing a heap of chances to get a score against other teams. maybe he will, prove me wrong again sure, but we’ll see.

WRT Tipp, the one man who really went missing was Noel McGrath. he did absolutley nothing all game long. Shane McGrath did some good work early on, but by and large the midfield was bypassed. Tom Kenny wasnt fit, but yet got away with it. Maher and Naughton were the only midfielders to be really involved.

Tipp werent at the races at all tho. Far too casual going into it, and like I said, I know you scoffed at me earlier, but I really think Cork were far more up for it than Tipp. sheedy is a clown. wouldnt worry about him jumping up and down. someone said it must be a Tipp thing coz Bonnar was at the same shite in the Wexford match.

Smooth Jimmy Apollo: Well, folks, when you’re right 52% of the time, you’re wrong 48% of the time.

Homer: Why didn’t you say that before!!

Wholehearted congratulations to Cork on a thoroughly excellent and committed display. I’m man enough to admit I backed Tipp to a large degree. Financially and verbally.
As many have said, it is very difficult to marry up this result with what we have seen in the past few years.
Cork looked very poor against Galway in the League final and in last year’s AI series.
Yes, league is league and all that.
Tipp looked and played like champions in September.
Yesterday, Tipp played like a team who had been training that morning. Cork played like their lives depended on it.
Padraic Maher had a total nightmare.
Rule #1 of playing fullback: Do not try and contest catching a high ball. Bat, bat, bat.
Cork will certainly beat Limerick. But should they come up against Waterford in the Munster Final with Declan Prendergast full back and ignoring the rule I have outlined above like he has a history of doing Aisake will have another field day. Pun intended.
Once Cork come up against a team with a solid full back that bats the ball and leaves Aisake to rely on his hurling skills rather than his aerial dominance then Cork could have a problem.
The reason for this in my opinion is that scoreline from yesterday. 3-15
That points total is quite low and Cork did not have all that many wides either as far as I recall. i.e they didn’t have many shots. A scoreline of 0-15 should not win you a game.
Compare that to Galway who put up a big points score against Wexford while having a large number of wides.
You can argue that the Cork forward line were more efficient and that would be fair but the lack of scoring opportunities should be a concern.
Serious displays yesterday from Gardiner[again, who is in the form of his life], Curran and Cadogan.
Apart from the handpass for the third goal I don’t remember Jerry being that involved.
Where do Tipp go from here? Something does not add up about how bad they were.
O’Mahony and Noel McGrath substituted. Padraic Maher moved around from position to position after being demolished by Aisake. Hard to find a good Tipp performance among them. Was there trouble in the camp? There was a total lack of commitment there. Was it over-confidence?
None of that takes away from a resurgent Cork team who have one foot in an All-Ireland semi already.

But he only missed one chance? Watch again, he wasted feck all. The ground shot that went wide. Better players than Aisake missed similar. I don’t understand why your saying he needs to be better against Galway or KK, 'cos Maher is considered the best full back around. If Aisake plays that well against those 2 teams later in the year we’ll be in with a serious shout. Its out the field where Cork could run into trouble, they had alot of time for picking out decent ball yesterday, thats what they won’t get against the other 2. So balls dropping short a little etc can cause Aisake problems. Its the bomb coming down on top of him that he’ll clean anyone with. He boarders on steps alot though, and could be pulled by other referees.

The Cadogan chasing thing i’d normally hate as well in fairness, but it was the way the ref was waving his arms around, he looked like he was throwing it in, which would have been nuts, it turned out he wasn’t. There was a 2nd half incident that they seemed to think Tipp had got a soft free. To be honest i thought it was afree.

Your right about the full back play, batting against 6’7 is the only way, but Tipp did try that as well and failed.

Thought Jerry O’ Connor was excellent myself, loads of little flicks and short passes, but always giving his team mate the easy catch, pick or onto the hurley straight once or twice. His main job though was to up set the structure of Tipps half backs. He did this.

I don’t think you can compare Wexford and Tipp as opposition though Cluain, in regards to point scoring. But it is a good point never the less, and Cork would probably need another 3-4 points against the other 3 “top teams” as they are unlikely to get more than 1 or 2 goals against KK certainly.

Personally i think you could see Cork set up in several different ways before the year is out. DW is a big horses for courses man by all accounts, and Cussen is expected to be a feature at half forward before the year is out. He gets injured a fair bit though.

Yeah it’s not the be all and end all or anything but I just had a read of the papaer there at lunchtime and they had Cork’s wide count as 7 and Galway’s as 17.
Galway also scored 22 points.
So that is 39 scoring opportunities for Galway vs 22 scoring opportunities for Cork.
Even discounting the class of opposition which isn’t that big given the performances of the teams in question [Wexford at least showed some heart for 50 mins] it is a large discrepency.

[quote=“Mullach Ide, post: 470549”]
There is no complacency in Tipp about this match, they have won twice in Pairc UĂ­ Caoimh in the last 70 odd years.
Cork should be favourites for next Sunday and rightly so as they are current league finalists, Tipp will be lucky to keep it pucked out to them.[/quote]

I hate it when I am right :frowning:
Tipp looked stuck to the ground yesterday, fair play to Cork the better team by far and a well deserved victory.

Who got MOTM lads, thought Gardiner gave an exibition in wing back play myself…If Aisake could hurlhe would nearly be unstoppable

Aisake got it.

Babs is one stirring fucker. :smiley:


That was fantastic.

I thought it was an enjoyable gane myself. Tipp were very disappointing, nowhere near as good as they were last June nevermind last September. Found myself shouting for Cork, until gradually I realised Tipp had no response at all and Cork were going to skate home. On the beer all weekend so I missed most of the analysis. What a debut for Aisake though! The useless cunt.

Ah here WTB he played last year :rolleyes:

and as for noddy, too fucking lazy to go to the game. flute.

Cork could have won by a lot more. havent been that sick after a game since the Kilkenny game in 03. Just didn’t turn up at all. We were lucky to be only 2 down at half time. Was still confident at half time but the 15min period after half time Cork buried us. We were very flat with the players looking very heavy legged. Only Saint and B Maher came out of the game with their heads held high. As for the qualifiers, Wexford in Wexford or Dublin in Parnell would be the rotten draws. Now we will see what Sheedy and co are like. As mentioned I think Walsh bet him tactically yesterday. Leaving Paudie on the tall one for so long was silly. Fanning should have gone back on him although i thought Curran did ok on him. Also a little harsh on Buggy. Broke a lot of ball but those round him werent alert enough to it bar Larrys goal chance which he should have kicked. but credit to Cadogan(i think) for getting back and getting the hook. Cadogan caught two balls uncontested in the second half when Kelly went in on him. Thats just unacceptable at this level.

Only positive from the weekend was Sat night below. Great craic in Reardons and on the Courthouse steps after.


Was Gardiner (supposed) to be marking John O’Brien? He was excellent alright. I couldn’t believe how badly Tipp fared in winning primary possession. Shane McGrath wasn’t in the game either. Hennessy did nothing when he came on.

You were there Dec? I have a decent photo of it, trying to upload it now. Some craic, no need for guards breaking it up, fucking idiots. No hassle worth talking about.

I’m still bemused by 3 of the subs brought on. All big lumps, but they were very poor.

Hennessy is a fine hurler but would probably need a bit of time to establish himself at this level. In fairness if you’re struggling to win ball it’s natural enough to use someone like that. I was more surprised at the absence of tactical rabbits in Sheedy’s hat. Very little by way of reply.

I was indeed Kev. some crowd there but as you said no hassle at all and the cops were just being pricks breaking it up.

Hennessy came on and cummins didnt hit one puck out down on him even tho JOB wa sbeing cleaned. They brought on Gar for mahony and he struck one ball. they also made two positional switches for that sub. The hammer came on and got a point,had a shot saved and went for donal og! Jody Brennan didnt do a thing and Conor O’Brien was only on for 3 or 4 mins when the game was over. Two of the Subs are only on the panel this year and have fuck all game time between them.

Did you see the former Kerry footballer there, being a smarmy prick. He spent the night in a local establishment afterwards i believe. He won’t last long, again.
