Cork v Tipp - Munster Hurling Semi-Final

I had a post written up but I seem to have lost it somewhere. Basic jist of it was Tipp backs will be able to cope with Corks forwards while the opposite will be the case at the other end. Tipp are going to set down a marker for the year and will win this pulling up. I will be punting Tipp -1 big time.

Powers have their usual alternative handicaps up. Iā€™d nearly have a cut off Tipp (-5) at 12/5.

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoin, post: 470664ā€]
Not disagreeing much, but overall i think there is still weaknesses in the half back line. [/quote]

I would argue that their half-back line was their strongest line last year, so can you flesh that out a bit ie. point out the weaknesses that were/are there?

As good and all as Cahill is supposed to be, its his first game, and heā€™s on Ben Oā€™ Connor who may not be where he was but is still a cute hoor and a very very experienced.

The other 2 are excellent hurlers obviously, and are very strong in the air, but both can struggle to turn and donā€™t like been run at. Also a Long ball into the full forward line, won be the inside men and the 2 lads are very suspect to been caught by in running half forwards. It may not be a huge deal on sunday as its debatable how fast Jerry Oā€™ Connor and the likes are now, but against guys like Cyril Donnellan, Eoin Kelly, Larkin and guys like that they could struggle. Even if Pat Horgan goes out to the '40.

Now if you drive ball down on top of them all day then forget about it. Thats what many teams did last year.

I really think, as they tend to do, Tipp people are getting ahead of themselves. Thats not me saying Cork are better, not at all in fact, just they are not as good as they think they are yet.

There isnā€™t a back-man in the country who doesnā€™t struggle when they are run at, thatā€™s why a fast and mobile centre-field partnership is essential in the modern game.
I donā€™t think it is getting ahead of yourself to be saying that if you have realistic ambitions of winning an AI Championship this year that you would be expecting to beat a Cork team that they have beaten the last 3 years in a row.
For the highlighted bit, once you yield possesion to the the inside forwards, there is not alot a half back can do to prevent the half forwards from running in to take a pass.

I canā€™t believe the prices have not moved all week.
I have created a progession of bets whereby I have included this one.
If this happens I should win a decent bit.

I will honestly be shocked if Cork win this.

Feel free to PM then on CLD - thereā€™s a couple of areas where I think the traders have left some gaps this weekend

Tommy Walsh, Shane Oā€™ Neill and Brick Walsh come to mind straight away as guys who can handle it.

Iā€™m not saying anything about realistic ambitions Mullach they are that, realistic, i have predicted for 2 years Tipp would rattle out an All-Ireland soon, and possibly 2 or 3 over a 4-6 year period. Its just they, in my opinion, they are been blown up a little much. Striking ā€œfearā€ into teams or supporters (which is what got ye all hot and bothered in the first place) doesnā€™t come just 'cos they have potential. They will have to blow away teams like Cork and Galway (like Killkenny have in recent years) to demand that respect yet. There is serious potential in the Tipp team, but iā€™m not totally convinced yet. They should have won that All-Ireland last year, and blew it IMO. I know it was only the league, but they didnā€™t look like they were progressing the way KK did at the start of their run.

Maybe it will all mean nothing after sunday and they hammer Cork, but for now iā€™ll hold my judgement. I have many a Tipp friend, and i can see and hear them getting carried away as it is.

I suppose everyone is going to suffer a bit when its this Killkenny team are the standard bearers.

Itā€™ll be a great day anyway Kev, Tipp and Cork, ah the Glory!!!

alway always the case with Tipp tho. doesnt matter how good or shite they are, its still all about the big 3 and how they are a dominant team. they are certainly improving, and will challenge, but are still a bit away. one of the reasons which I pointed out that Cork would be more up for it is because I get the feeling Tipp are looking at games later on rather than now, which is why I wouldnt be suprised by a Cork win. I still think Tipp will win it, but I wouldnt be suprised at all if they didnt.

They just donā€™t understand Mullach, its unbelievable. :smiley:

They were smart putting Wexico-Galway on saturday night, it would go totally unnoticed were it on the same day as a Cork-Tipp game.

Personally Gman i think Tipp will go bald headed for it, too much trouble any other way, and they are still generally young, and young teams donā€™t think about September or whatnot.

theyā€™re from Tipp. Enough said.

enjoy the cap tipping tho on Sunday!

Iā€™m heading home to catch the match in Nowlan Park on Saturday night.
My brother is playing a senior match in Kilkenny on Sunday before the Tipp Cork match so Iā€™ll be watching that too.
And then the main event. I had planned on heading down to Cork but Iā€™m not gonna bother now with my brotherā€™s match.

A full weekend of it.

Ah lovely.

you disgust me

Sounds like heaven. Pints as well?

Need a hug?

Yeah one of my friends is throwing a shindig on Saturday night that eventually will end up in Left Bank or Kytlers.
You couldnā€™t ask for more.

Cark for me lads.

Ah yeah. Ah yeah. Lovely.

Tipp to win 1-20 to 0-17 btw.