Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Good to see Luke Oā€™Neill penning a self congratulatory article

I donā€™t have a baldy notion and neither do I care. And if you ask me any more questions I donā€™t understand Iā€™ll fillet you.

Theyā€™re all too clever for me so I donā€™t really bother. Iā€™d hazard a guess that there isnā€™t anything would change their minds, so maybe youā€™re wasting your time.

That all sounds very smart but what would be your alternatives to lockdown and easing in Ireland over the last year?

Maslow was in the Illuminatiā€¦ With his gammy pyramid. You couldnā€™t take a word that cunt has to say seriouslyā€¦ The pandemic is a rich personā€™s paradise.

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You mistake criticism of policy decisions for caring.

Defending a broad strokes ā‚¬5 increase in full unemployment times doesnā€™t make you more caring, it just means you are retreating to simplistic notions of public policy, doing what Johnny Sachs mentioned in terms of recency bias and unable to comprehend numbers. Iā€™d have had no issue with that money going into adult education training, for example, as mentioned below.

Further, Iā€™d have no issue with actually going for Nordic country approach with higher initial social welfare for people who have lost their jobs. The one size fits all policy in Ireland I disagree with.

Again here, you claim to be more caring because you react to emotive nonsense. Lockdown was the correct course of action in March 2020 and I would still disagree with those who didnā€™t do it, but you have continued to ignore outcomes. Outcomes that went far beyond March 2020, believe it or not.

I changed my mind on lockdowns, after supporting them initially. @ironmoth has been a more consistent critic and saw the dangers of them earlier.

I donā€™t have a particular problem with hard restrictions at the moment if it keeps societal cohesion going, all because the circumstances have changed with the vaccine. I personally do not think they make a huge difference, but it is what it is. There has to be an end point to it all though.

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Sweden, Floridaā€™s approach not locking people in their homes who have a statistically immaterial chance of getting seriously ill from this killer virus.


Thereā€™s too many of us on the planet. Itā€™s just not sustainableā€¦ Fuck you Maslow.

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As Mike Ryan said, this ainā€™t the big oneā€¦

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Iā€™ve said it here before but there needs to be an ice age or a mass castration or something before humankind destroy the planet

Thatā€™s not what people opposed to lockdowns say though, so maybe stick to your own analysis and conclusions rather than those of people you clearly donā€™t understand.

The spike in January in Ireland was caused by the Christmas to New Year festive period (Oā€™Neill says this, I agree with him), you know that week or sometimes two where Irish people go apeshit for drink and socializing. Not unique to Ireland but Ireland is a good test case. The same was seen throughout the western world, regardless of the level of restrictions. As it happens the worst time of year for respiratory diseases.

Correlation does not equal causation. There are hundreds of factors involved in how an infectious disease spreads, and billions of combinations of those factors. Which allows people make claims that may or may not be true, like the claim you are making. The reality is the same increase in case numbers and deaths seen in late December to late January was seen everywhere in the western world, regardless of the level of restrictions in place. States in the US that have never had a lockdown fared the same as states with strict lockdowns since last March. So whatever caused the spike and caused the drop since late January in those states, it wasnā€™t the easing of restrictions nor the reinstatement of restrictions, or at least they had minimum impact.

If you want to actually open you mind a little and learn something, compare Florida and California. Similar enough states, Florida has a lot more older people and half the population of California, roughly the same number over 65 in each state. Florida ended itā€™s stay at home order April 30 2020 and eased restrictions, schools, bars, restaurants, etc. open since April. California has had stay at home from March 19 to last week Feb 6th, with very strict restrictions, no schools open, bars, parks and beaches closed for much of the time, etc.

Both states had the exact same spike in cases and deaths in December to January, Florida peaked at 15-20k cases a day and 200 deaths a day in mid January, California peaked at 40-50k cases a day and 600-700 deaths a day. Both have dropped off significantly since then. Most significantly California with the strictest and longest lockdown in the US had higher case numbers and deaths by a factor of +30% than a state that had no lockdown and little restrictions since last April.

So, explain that in terms of lockdowns working.




How can you expect anything you say on Covid to be taken serious?

Not by you obviously as you are as thick as shit, but there is hope for others.


No Tim. You are mistaking me for someone who thinks they are an expert. Iā€™ve never made predictions on this. As a layman I looked at two things that were easily verifiable. Hospitalizations and deaths. What anti-restriction folk refuse to acknowledge or accept is the carnage that would ensue if we OIUTF. No country has done this successfully You have that idiot @Enrique still banging on about Sweden. The Swedish are far more compliant people than the Irish. They also have the benefit of having land borders with countries that were far more successful dealing with it. Yet they have had multiple fatalities. This mid table claim also ignores the fact that the top performing countries in Europe are Swedenā€™s neighbours.

Your constant carping re welfare recipients and your obvious disdain for the poor renders your concern for anyone suffering during this pandemic unlikely.

The rich are creating an ice age broā€¦ The pandemic is it.

Any evidence for that statement?

Nope, you can read it again. I said that a blunt ā‚¬5 a week increase in social welfare I disagreed with. I think it was a poor policy decision, I think the fact that you had to earn ā‚¬50k p.a. to get the same and if they wanted to spend money, i wouldnā€™t have a problem with adult education for the long term unemployed.

On the first bit, you keep misrepresenting views. Your obsession with Sweden and March 2020 is embarrassing at this stage. You said a similarly thick as pigshit statement on the U.K. yesterday, going on about theIr death toll because of March 2020 when the vast manliest year of their deaths have happened since the middle of April 2020 when they were regularly using lockdown. The likes of the Czech Republic get an A+ from you because they locked down in March 2020, despite what has happened since.

You are again embarrassing yourself bringing up Sweden and March 2020. One of the neighbours you are hailing, Finland, have just been far closer to the March 2020 Swedish approach. But yeah, itā€™s all gravy if you just locked down in March 2020, thatā€™s the determining factor for everything.

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This one comes out usually when the stats donā€™t look as bad. The same was said about the Germans there until a couple of months too.