Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The big question is, is the lockdown even effective.


Far from ideal. Leo’s speech on Friday night is possibly the single most important address to the nation since the GFA

It would be great to see Vincent back for even one episode of the tonight show.

I couldn’t see him praising Holohan anyway.

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Vile policing.

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There’s plenty evidence that lockdowns don’t work, and have lots of other consequences like increased domestic violence, increased child abuse, increased depression and suicide, increased alcoholism and drug abuse, etc.

You only have to look at the data from countries that locked down and didn’t lock down, the curves are much of a muchness. The goal of preventing ICU overload has been met, what’s the new goal?


I’d still contend that businesses will be able to function and make progress in spite of this.

I wouldn’t disagree though that there is a monumental recession coming.

The establishment of Tony Hoolohans 1,000 year reich


TFK has spoken. Open it up ta fuck


Desperate that his daughter had to witness that. They could have been fishing for their dinner for all we know.


Absolutely terrible.

Dont know the facts, but that should and could have been handled an awful lot better.

Case closed

Certain elements of the guards are loving their new powers


I’ve lost the keys

Most in fairness have a bit of cop on.

I’d say there was more to it, a lot of poachers and the likes on the banks lately, non permit holders and repeat offenders but Christ the guards taking them away in front of the kid was just stupid, let alone wrong

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Expect plenty of incidents like this over the weekend. It could get ugly.

We are looking at the end of civilization as we know this weekend

Pity people can’t hold the line, there’d be none of this if they did.

So be it.

He was trying to hold the line sure and the guard dragged him off

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