Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

All of this is true. And you’ll probably have Joe Rogan and @Tierneevin1979 furiously shilling for it online.

Explain how having less police in a city that has a very high and escalating violent crime rate is a sensible idea. The people living in the neighborhoods affected think it’s a bad idea, but a woke white Irish lad living in a safe Irish city with low crime and almost non existent violent crime thinks it’s a good idea.

As I said you are incapable of rational thinking.

As always you resort to lies, another example of your pathetic extremism.

I am pro vaccine and believe Ivermectin should be studied further as a antiviral against Covid. Don’t misrepresent my position asshole.

I haven’t lied or misrepresented your position, I made a lighthearted quip about your tendency to believe any conspiracy theory under the sun, as long it’s pushed by the US right-wing.

Such as, say, hydroxychloroquine, which you furiously pushed on this forum.

You’re still not answering the question, you’re still ranting like Tucker Carlson.

Maybe @anon7035031 aka @labane1917, might like to apologise for talking through his arse about lockdowns supposedly causing increased suicide, which they didn’t?

The “evidence” didn’t exist.

More lies. Unlike you I actually understand how hydroxychloroquine works from a pharmacology standpoint and why it showed promise. It’s disappointing that it didn’t deliver on the promise but over 90% of new drugs fail in clinical trials, that’s the nature of medicine.

No lies whatsoever, just truth.

You furiously pushed hydroxychloroquine because the US right wing disinformation machine did so as part of a culture war and you were willing to believe every bit of nonsense that was used to push it.

And you still haven’t learned your lesson with Ivermectin.

Just making sure this gem doesn’t slip under the radar


Anti-woke is white supremacism.

Why from a pharmacology standpoint might hydroxychloroquine be a candidate for treating Covid?

Time for you to admit you were talking balls.

In your warped opinion.

Hydroxychloroquine was very quickly shown to be bullshit as a treatment for Covid. The US right wing, and you, refused to accept that reality, and instead chose to beleive a batshit crazy conspiracy theory.

It made you look very foolish.

Some parts of the international right wing anti-woke cult are still pushing it, such as GB News.

You didn’t launch a counter argument.

I literally gave you the figures above. You were proved categorically wrong and refuse to accept this.

It’s hilarious.

Why from a pharmacology standpoint might hydroxychloroquine be a candidate for treating Covid?

You need to stop crying, mate. You swallowed the bullshit whole. And you’re still swallowing.

Refer to my previous answer. You were categorically wrong. Lockdowns did not lead to an increase in suicide, they led to decreases.

There’s an appropriate place for you to comment on the INTERNET. It’s as a telephone number in Sports Gemma’s Twitter replies.

Get a job mate.

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