Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I was watching a report on C4 last week. He was an Icelandic academic working on the recently published report from Oxford University. He also stated that 50% of the Icelandics that tested positive were asymptomatic.

Oh right. I assume that’s the report that said up to 50% of Britons could already have had it at the end of March? It’s interesting to see cases like France as it gives it more credence - particularly the fact that the gentleman in question had not travelled.

Iceland, South Korea and the Diamond Princess were closer to the truth on asymptomatic cases due to broader testing alright. Would be interesting if the HSE here could disclose the numbers in nursing homes and health workers who have been more randomly tested in the last couple of weeks.

My query on the “it’s been here in bigger numbers that we thought and from earlier” is why weren’t we seeing the numbers in ICU beds filled and deaths?

Is this not a service the church could offer?

County Derry had this in December. I took in a shipment of ‘stuff’ from wuhan towards the end of November. I’m patient zero. Where do I sell my story?

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You aren’t the only one going by thread

That’s textbook. I hope Cicero is okay.

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More so on the daily figures how many are nursing home hospitals and healthcare worker cases. All they say is clusters. Might show that 80-90% of new cases are in those setting.

Yup. I think the bigger numbers are an absolute though given the asymptomatic carriers.

You’d wonder is it a case that it didn’t reach the more at risk population in the numbers seen for a period of time. Lots of younger people carrying it around post Christmas in January, many in urban areas, people with milder symptoms and asymptomatic carriers. Unlikely to mix with older parents for a bit after the Christmas break and certainly not go into care homes. Then once it reaches them things get ugly.

With say 100k cases by the start of February in France, distributed amongst asymptomatic carriers and those with symptoms you would have only 50k cases with symptoms which would appear as a bad flu to most, a % end up in hospital. Would that make a bit statistical difference, particularly if it managed to avoid at risk areas en masse?

In terms of the build up in China, it looks similar, but their outbreak was November so you move up the critical period spot.

But given the supposed R level and how infectious this was, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense that it would only reach these areas in significant numbers 6-8 weeks after coming into a country.

Fucking Glas fucked us all

:open_mouth: did he bring it to Italy over Christmas?

I hope he’s regained his sense of distaste.

The Israeli’s will make a fortune out of this. Fair play to them, they wouldn’t be known for cleaning up financially.

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That got fair bad actually. I was off work for a few days.

I’m going to conclusively call this as genetic survival of the fittest. Icelanders are incredibly in-bred. I’m guessing the have genetic immunity to it. Dried fish diet also plays a part.

To control the narrative. The lab published the genome on January 11th on open platforms, they were shut down the next day. This was during the period when the official line was that there were no new cases in Wuhan and there was no evidence of human to human transmission.

Publishing the genome sequence was vital as it allowed the development of diagnostic tests for the virus.

Stay at home to fuck


To put this into context the exchequer deficit in 2007 before the economy went tits up was €1.6bn for the whole year. I see reports that the cost of lockdown will be €25-30bn. A proper analysis of true cost is indeed exchequer deficit as this will roll up to national debt and it is very difficult to correct public finances in the short to medium term. The true cost of this will run into the 100s of billions.


So it’s either we all literally die starving on the sides of the road eating grass with no schools hospitals prisons etc or magic money tree here we come! :clap::clap::money_with_wings::palm_tree:

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