Feeling a bit sick

How art thou?

Iā€™m on the mend. Have yet to regain my sense of taste and smell but Iā€™m back to about 70%.


I didnā€™t. It was too late to wake anyone and ask for cash was my first thought, it was a fine enough night anyway and I was a bit in need of space, and Iā€™d say the nearest bank machine was three miles in the opposite direction, but in truth, it never even occurred to me. I flagged this lad down on the galway to barna road, asked would he take a card. He said he couldnt, and I said grand. I think I half wanted to walk. Took an hour. Once Iā€™d turned onto the back roads I only saw two cars all the way home,neither cabs.

Yet you yearn for a leisurely life in rural Ireland. Themā€™s the cold hard facts lad.

The Healy-Rae legislation (in the pipeline) allows for 5/6 pints and tip along.

Any celebs or potential ones about?

It was too dark for celeb spotting.

I felt a cough coming on yesterday and today itā€™s way worse and Iā€™m aching all over and freezing cold and Iā€™ve no energy. I staved it off a few times in December with echinacea and vitamins but I think Iā€™m fucked now.

Iā€™m in a similar boatā€¦ Threw a shit load of vit C, zinc, Magnesium and turmeric into me last night and I donā€™t feel as fucked today but itā€™s lingering and Iā€™ve a busy day. Iā€™ll horse a few garlic cloves into me this morning

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Itā€™s quite possible FG have taken to poisoning subversives. Straight from the Putin playbook.


Iā€™ve had a bastarding cold all week. Bringing little lady in for vaccinations this morning so no doubt I will be interacting with loads of other sick fucks coughing and spluttering on me

Did you get the flu jab? Great job

Would ate them raw? Chew or just swallow them down?

I certainly wouldnā€™t put it past them.

Got it previous year but forgot to get it this time round

suppository mate

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chop them up raw and throw them into a salad or mash them into black pudding to make it more palatable.

lads who spent the last two weeks drinking now pitiful messes because they have the sniffles

dats de oirish for you


We get it both barrels too which is very annoying.

Step 1
Inane photos and drunk talk.

Step 2
Inane bitching and general footix carryon

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Iā€™m just coming out of a miserable dose that hung around for the best part of 3 weeks. Fit for nothing, hardly out the door and sitting on my arse all day. I donā€™t know how townies stick it all year roundā€¦

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cripes, can you stop going on about it

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