Feeling a bit sick

Feeling sick again
1x irish coffee
1xpale ale
1 x half bottle of nice rioja
1 x large baileys.
Big dinner and half bale of chocolate.
Airport at eight tomo to fly home

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Heā€™s coming home, heā€™s coming home, Flattyā€™s coming home

He is. Bag packed. :+1:.
Moycullen for ale tomorrow night please God.


Welcome home bro

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Thanks mate.

Iā€™ve been a mess for the last three weeks, apart from a two day interlude where I went on the piss and was as good as violated by a horrendous aggressive woman. My ribs and back are fucked from sneezing and coughing, I havenā€™t slept since a couple of hours on Christmas eve and dealing with visitors, a former sister in law and an ex has all but broken my spirit.
My mate promised me tramadol but heā€™s abandoned me.
Thatā€™s only the start of it.


Chin up, pal.

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Keep the chin up. If I ts any consolation I couldnā€™t find a taxi that would take cash and Iā€™m currently walking five miles home in the dark


Get some sleep mate.

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A taxi that wont take cash. Is moycullen operating on a bartering system?

I feel fucking fantastic

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Card, I meant card, but probably.
Nearly home now

Sounds like youā€™ll be dead by New Years

Next time this happens ask the taxi driver to take you to an ATM to get some cash.

Or did you cut off your nose to spite your face?

How art thou?

Iā€™m on the mend. Have yet to regain my sense of taste and smell but Iā€™m back to about 70%.


I didnā€™t. It was too late to wake anyone and ask for cash was my first thought, it was a fine enough night anyway and I was a bit in need of space, and Iā€™d say the nearest bank machine was three miles in the opposite direction, but in truth, it never even occurred to me. I flagged this lad down on the galway to barna road, asked would he take a card. He said he couldnt, and I said grand. I think I half wanted to walk. Took an hour. Once Iā€™d turned onto the back roads I only saw two cars all the way home,neither cabs.

Yet you yearn for a leisurely life in rural Ireland. Themā€™s the cold hard facts lad.

The Healy-Rae legislation (in the pipeline) allows for 5/6 pints and tip along.

Any celebs or potential ones about?

It was too dark for celeb spotting.

I felt a cough coming on yesterday and today itā€™s way worse and Iā€™m aching all over and freezing cold and Iā€™ve no energy. I staved it off a few times in December with echinacea and vitamins but I think Iā€™m fucked now.