Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We can’t track and trace?

We can’t mitigate the risk?

According to official stats only 3% of cases came from travel even though we had no border controls. NZ.'s figure was 70% with a full lockdown and some believed the Irish figure claiming they had no reason to doctor the figures

Ah here

63% of Irish deaths came from nursing homes.

Know many nursing home residents going on foreign travel?


Apparently not. These restrictions exist because of the testing and tracing limitations they lied about and you defended.

In the absence of those. This makes sense

This was covered already


Pencil neck will be going on his holidays after next week’s Late Late . I’m sure they will lift the lockdown right after.

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When are Northern Ireland planning on opening pubs?

This corona thing is starting to annoy me. The world trend in numbers is downward in particular Europe. I seriously hope the 5 phase approach is revised. I don’t want a new normal. Everything to return to the way it was is what I want. No 2m spacing between each other. By June 21st everything should have returned to normal here in Ireland.

This week had the highest daily total of cases yet. What you mean is it’s on a downward trend in the countries where lives matter?

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We’ve had increases 3 days in a row. This needs to be handled very carefully or we’ll be back to square one

It’s going to be very difficult, especially without rapid test/trace/isolate procedures in place.

Fuck knows when these 111 cases happened the way our reporting is

The trend is going down mate.

We need to hide under the bed for the rest of all time, only way we’re ever gonna beat this thing


I’m not ardent either way but I am starting to become concerned about our wellbeing.

Never go within 2m of another human being until there are zero deaths from any virus worldwide


It just needs to be done right. The sooner it’s done right the sooner you can open your pub mate.

If it’s done wrong you’ll open up for a few weeks with socially distant bollocks and then have to close again.

That there seems to be the prerequisite for the new normal. That’ll not be happening.

Happy to go with option A there, living in fear is no way to live

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Revolt so. Open the doors.

If you weren’t such a pussy about it you’d do something about it.

Like the lads that freed Ireland.

Plenty being done. Also you of all people shouldn’t be using the word pussy to describe anybody

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