NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The Mickes seem to know as little as the micks

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Possibly confirmation bias, but I reckon it’s about right.

And all because the lady loves milk tray

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The yanks have a solution to the oxytocin issue




Great hand gestures

He’s waffling already

The one where he clenches his fist and reaches out as if offering it to you is a peculiar one.

Ferguson is an awful bollox

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What’s Boris saying

It sounds a lot like Varadkars speach I’m afraid except where he got a letter from a 13 year old, healthcare worker and someone with an underlying condition.

Takeaways so far.
Not in a position to ease lockdown.
5 criteria to be met for easing lockdown
5 phases or steps for easing restrictions
Stage 3 is coinciding with our stage 3 in July.
Everything dependent on advice from medical experts.

He drew an analogy in relation to coming out of lockdown as being more dangerous like coming down a mountain. Where have I heard that before…

This is giving me a pain in the Bollix

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Stay alert lads

Hold firm

Actually you can play tennis, golf, go to the beach, go fishing from wednesday @Tassotti

I’m off to Brighton


I wonder do they have the same rules in place as us for playing tennis.