Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Anyone been in the army?
You can help me
Whatever comes out of these gates
We’ve got a better chance of survival if we work together
Do you understand?
If we stay together, we survive


It’s deeply irresponsible even publishing it.

Are you saying the experts in Oxford are inferior somehow to the experts in London?

Start from the first infection in mid January, and do the math at R0 of 2.25 with absolutely no containment efforts in February, and see what you come up with yourself.

Data scientists and modellers are rushing now to be the ones that crack it. The problem with incomplete datasets is you get incomplete results and they are all going to put their own slant on any findings.

The truth about this won’t be know for years

This is surely a good thing

The problem with the “study” is that is that completely it disregards the reality of what we’re seeing all across the world. Apart from that, it’s fine.

They haven’t got full data sets or even the full number of variables.

Anything that extrapolates out a random number for cases other than confirmed is a pure guess.

The best cases for study are the cruise ships. Confined space, controlled population (small) but could be indicative

I genuinely don’t get how only 20% of people on a cruise ship can test positive.

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If half the population already have it why are people only dying from it now? Why are more and more people still getting sick in Italy and Spain every day? Why are the majority of tests negative? Why were the first people to get sick people who arrived back from skiing in Italy?

They’re right that Imperial College have been put on a pedestal and have made a balls of it.

I’ll read the paper later and report back to the forum.


It’s dangerous because stupid ordinary people will buy into the headline of it and disregard lockdown instructions and social distancing - just look at who’s pushing it on this thread - exactly who you’d expect.

The way the headline of it has been pushed in the media is part of a worrying media trend I see over the last day or so, particularly in the UK and US, to justify letting this virus cause absolute carnage in the name of “the economy”.

There’s a very easy way to verify the theory of that study - count up the daily deaths in each affected country since January.

TFK is blessed to have lads so smart that they are capable of dismissing a team of experts in Oxford out of hand without even reading the study


You haven’t been peer reviewed until a gang of weirdos on the internet make shit of your work

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It’s pretty simple. If the theory is true, deaths would have shot up across Europe from January onwards, because a large amount of people would have been affected by the virus back then, given that the author is claiming up to half of Britain has already had it.

We’ve now got gobshites who got the flu or sniffles back in December flooding the internet telling us they had COVID-19.

No they wouldn’t have, if what they are saying is true that wouldn’t have happened at all

It was oxford polytechnic

Not defending the UK but was not the Irish woman, “Oxford Diplomat” who was very active (and very cringe) during Brexit? She’s a bit of an attention seeker.

Leo = Maximus

A few transition year students doing a class project