Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Arsenal giving West Ham a trimming here on BT. 5-1 up… Brian Kidd with two, Alan Ball with one. Brady having a decent game and Stapleton has just come on for Pat Rice.

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Kidd gets his 3rd. West Ham not worth a wank here

Has it fizzled out yet?

I think these things are missing the point. You can get out for a bit but this is not about trying to push boundaries and stay within the rules. The message is clear - stay at home, stay at home, stay at home.


Not much use being within 2k of shit that’s not open :joy:

Stay in and around the gaff for the weekend and do for a jobs I suppose

everything is out the window now, this is the fight of our lives and you still have lads blathering on about marathon training and the likes, pull together for fuck sake and get with the programme


The message is directed at the likes of @Thomas_Brady who broke out of isolation to walk his dog. That’s what we don’t need - fellas going on solo runs because they think they are above the law. The real concern isn’t the virus it’s self being honest. it’s the break down of society from panic and paranoia that’ll cause far more deaths imo. Fellas are already on tender hooks after being forced to spend a few days with their families. Lads need to stay calm and stay together. Trying blame somebody whether it be the Chinese, the cheltenham people, Leo, Sinn Fein or who ever else won’t help. This is nobodies fault. It’s just one of those things. It’ll be over much quicker than we think. Everyone needs to stay together. Keep the mind busy and the body active. Put the alcohol and drugs in the bin. Eat healthy. God bless.

12 steps.

It’s like the episode of band of brothers when the soldiers keep dying even though the war is over and they are working with the Germans - boredom was the problem.


I should add I did give that a quick check as I need to give the little one a bit of run or she’ll go spare. We won’t be venturing more than 1km away.

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Any fella marathon training now should be in jail


Simon Harris was on Newstalk this morning and a lad texted in to ask whether it was still ok for him to go for a cycle “it’s only 50k or so”

For FFS.


High intensity shuttle runs are the order of the day at times like this.


Sounds like your typical Newstalk listener. Smug middle aged man in lyrca.


Don’t leave me on edge here what did Harris say?

NCT and CVRT centres closed today.

An announcement will be made later today with regards to tests booked in the coming weeks.

I need to get a lawnmower serviced - presume all those garages will be all closed ?

Some lad in England did a full marathon running around his garden. 900 laps. That’s the kind of spirit the micks need.


Beat that bastard - hard.

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