Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You were complacent and didn’t take it seriously.

Wind it in lads.


Great argument m8

Nothing to debate.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Spurs v Cheltenham

Thanks for that, sums up your entire forum career in a nutshell.

Did you see this @Dziekanowski

Sounds like you need to brush up on your junior cert French.


Unlike some I have played the game here under the same name for over a decade, chump.

Ah lovely - lads settling in for booze-fuelled Sat night feuds and rants :sunglasses:


yes, its frightening, England and London in particular is on the same trajectory as Lombardy. I know I will survive it, but what about he people who can’t. This is bad, but part of me wants them to suffer, and suffer bad, the brexit voting, gammon bastards

Is it Saturday. Fuck me I spent the whole day thinking it was Friday.


Not easy but we’re getting there. Keep it between the ditches pal :ok_hand:

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Same it scared me. Today was awful. Important to break from routine to realise it’s the weekend.

We have an hour less for it tonight so might as well make the most of each minute :laughing:

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Thats right, it didn’t make sense . Even at that time they had identified Madrid as a “Hot Spot”.

Yet Liverpool is presenting relatively low in comparison to cities like Birmingham or where the main issue is in London.

A few hypothesizes - Scousers have natural strong immunity ; Even the Corona Virus wouldn’t hang around in Liverpool or the vast majority of “Home” supporters who can afford a Mid Week Champions league fixtures aren’t from the city and brought it away with them.
Maybe a combination of all 3!


I don’t know, it would be very difficult, but that’s what would have to happen for a United States of Europe to happen.

What is hilarious about those who are critiscising the EU over this crisis is that the very people who are calling for a greater federal EU response are the very same people who have consistently said they are bitterly opposed to any further EU federalism and have made it pretty clear they hate any sort of pan-European solidarity.

They are now arguing directly against what they previously argued, utterly oblivious to their own lack of understanding and hypocrisy.

Sheer naked populism.