Spurs v Cheltenham

I was young and naive. Pubs reported how quiet things were during the week of cheltenham. After it was announced they’d be closing they were jammed as lads Desperately got the last few pints in. I’d say less than one percent of people took it seriously.

Your jaunt over to Cheltenham in the middle of a pandemic reminds me a lot of the Liverpool fans in Heysel. Young naive lads who thought there was a bit of high jinks in having a charge at a wall and not a thought to the possibility of the loss of human life from their actions.


This is your third incoherent post on a third different thread about cheltenham after I pointed out your beloved spurs hosted a home game with around 60k at it the same week. Time for another re brand Jeff you are badly rattled.

Cheltenham was 10-13 March. The last home match Tottenham Hotspur hosted was 4 March against Norwich City in the FA Cup. You’re badly rattled now and arelashing out now pedaling blatant lies.

Spurs v Cheltenham is a terribly interesting topic for another thread.

Whatever stadium they play in. Keep trying to move the goal posts. You’ve been badly exposed again. You won’t call out the spurs fans of course but will look to incite hate towards the people that attended Cheltenham. You are a pathetic individual.

You stated Spurs hosted a match the same week as Cheltenham with a crowd of 60,000 at it and that Spurs are as culpable as those who went to Cheltenham in spreading the virus.

Spurs didn’t host a match the same week as Cheltenham. You told a blatant lie there. You tell a lot of lies when you’re on the back foot.

Wrong thread Geoff you are all over the shop.

You tan bastard , get out of here.

aids ridden cunts

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They infected the whole of Tralee

What the fcuk! Leo and his pals went to Cheltenham and then went drinking in Tralee?? The traitorous cnut!!

Ya, fucking Leo O’Shea the bollox. Always at it the same lad

That’s a spoof account ffs

A Kerry footballer got it there as well.

Don’t be fooled, this isn’t the first death because of those Cheltenham cunts

Liverpool is getting badly hit now. I’ve seen seen 3k Madrid supporters to 20k Madrid supporters being in the city for the game.