Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Lads, can you please stop using the outdated term ā€˜social distancingā€™ ā€” please use the term ā€˜physical distancingā€™ instead.

You might tell us yourself, pal. Didnā€™t you take a trip over a few years ago?

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The man is only posting on the forum a few months ā€¦ stop telling lies.

Ambrose is a cryborg.

jesus christ

Iā€™m going to die here

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Come home, pal. Iā€™ve a isolation unit set up in the Garage for you.

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Have you a park bench set up in there?

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Harris is very rapidly starting to look like Aidan Gillens version of CJH

I was there during the British Lions tour in 2001. Would be good to get a more contemporary report about what the place is like now.

Spain is bollixed.

Its gone, it will be worse than Italy

Simon Harris before all this shit
Simon Harris after all this shit


They make you touch it more. Trust me.

I see that fucker Orban in Hungary is giving himself dictatorial powers to help with the crisis. Thatā€™s the complete end of Hungary as a democracy anyway. The EU will need to kick them out as soon as everything else is sorted

Hungary hasnā€™t been a democracy for quite some time.

Orban and Cummings would be a dream team.
A bit of healthy competition for the EU

I know, but even the pretence is gone now. The EU have been very weak on this.

Fine Gael have been very weak too.

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Whats a good cheap van. I have a fair bit of stuff but will ditch most of it if I have to to. Will the ferrries still be going in 10 days? There will be a total social breakdown in Britain within 10 days