Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

sweep sweep

The pretend RA are seething at how well Ireland is doing containing the mortality rate. Pining after the good old days when hundreds were killed needlessly every year.

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You OK? You seem a little rattled.

Would Sam not make better use of his time rolling up his sleeves rather than theorising about matters outside of his area of expertise?


You could say the same about Leo.

Is McConkey in the ra? Heā€™s already my favourite Covid-19 personality and this would cement his position.

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Donā€™t appropriate mcconkey mate

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Heā€™s fuming that his publicity stunt tagging up with the CCP has been ignored and is getting pushback.

It would be pretty stupid to say we can do without a Taoiseach, but knock yourself out

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Iā€™m not sure bro. However, like SF, he has been a step ahead of the government all throughout this and has been calling for tighter measures well in advance of FFG actually implementing themā€¦ So he seems to be on the same wave length as us.

A shocking pile of scutter. Ireland needs more committees ffs. Ireland like everywhere need more doctors and nurses. How many RCSI graduates end up practicing in Ireland?

Thereā€™s plenty in his own party, and others, who can give speeches broā€¦ Shur, heā€™s only following expert advice currently, no?

It makes no odds who is in power by that logic, you should stop getting your knickers in a twist over it if you believe that

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Time out guys time out

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Our shelter in place just got extended to May 1. No surprise but not the greatest start to a week.

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McConkeyā€™s annoying accent makes him hard to listen to and his freak of a chin makes him hard to look at. This crisis is a godsend for the gimp.


Iā€™m only going by the expert advice on here.

Top post.

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Youā€™re not alone in this bro.

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Will anyone go back to work after this . Imagine been mortgage free getting 350 a week and the wife 350 forever , be some life