Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )



McDonkey is bang on about a discussion needing to happen about what risk is acceptable.

Road deaths are accepted every year.

Winter flu season overwhelming the hospitals every year has been accepted as well as the deaths associated with it it.


NPHET to recommend another 6 week, level 5 lockdown would really throw a spanner in the works.

The auld lad had the radio on here and I heard the same interview. What I got from it was that if it is a case that reducing case numbers from 1,000 a day to 900 a day is the benefit of keeping restrictions, that the cost benefit of doing so is a futile one.

Probably furiously deleting retweets and commentary by him. References of where one may have said we must follow the science and not now because it wont suit their agenda. I think as a collective the population of the country lost all sense of proportionality but in dribs and drabs they are coming to their senses. The show must go on as Freddie Mercury used say.


@Bandage knew


Leo the leak sticking the knife into chump

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Michael Martin made it to Taoiseach without making a decision. He isnā€™t going to start now


Martin is the weakest Taoiseach in our history.


That mcconkey lad has only gone and taken immortality off the table. Thatā€™s effectively what heā€™s done. Wanker.

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He has the backbone of a snake.

I wouldnā€™t have thought a two week delay at this stage was worth the trouble.

Its just a sop to the remember what happened last Christmas brigade. NPHET never considered for one minute that there would be indoor dining this summer. Their whole mantra in Spring was ā€œthink outdoorsā€ ā€œoutdoor diningā€. 2 week delay is absolutely pointless.

A 2 week delay will also bring you up to date when international travel recommences and when presumably the 6 counties strike for freedom in line with England, Scotland, Wales. It would become really stark then just how we are positioned.

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This is exactly it. Heā€™s absolutely terrified of making a decision

A wet blanket

Thatā€™s the point Paul Cunningham made on the RTE News yesterday. We could have a situation where you couldnā€™t dine indoors in Ireland but could travel to Italy and dine indoors no problem then travel home afterwards.

Itā€™s such nonsense especially with indoor dining allowed in hotels.

I see the chef JP McMahon saying on Twitter earlier that he will have to cancel 2,000 reservations if reopening is pushed out.

Thatā€™s only a cod of a restaurant anyway.

A rough calculation of say a modest ā‚¬50 a head and the two weeks delay would cost him ā‚¬100k in revenue.

In between knowing more about infectious diseases than Sam McConkey, Orla wants new regulations on ventilation in pubs and restaurants. Might not be a bad idea.

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