You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Is it just me and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on the ester c and liposomal c that have not gotten the Covid yet.

Itā€™s a small sample admittedly but equally no less compelling.


I havenā€™t gotten it yet either kid. Iā€™ve been tested 4 times now . That being said I reckon given my profession, I must have picked it up at some stage and am either a symptomatic or just a fucking machine. Iā€™m going with the latter


Iā€™ve never had covid that I know of

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Still avoiding it :man_shrugging:

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Get out from under the bed ffs.

Sure pal sure

You thought inanimate objects might kill you from the virus.


I havenā€™t caught it yet either. I genuinely have not had one symptom that suggested that I have since March 2020.

Thats what drives me mad about the ā€œabolish the unvaccinated from societyā€ stuff.

It is absolutely nonsensical to mandate a vaccine for people who wonā€™t end up in hospital at all from this virus.

The chances are that I have had it and didnā€™t even notice.


You had it alright if your Mrs did. Negative antigen means nothingā€¦ I had all negatives too.

How many of the "unvaccinated " in ICU are those who are not eligible/cannot get a vaccine?

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Every American stadium full to the brim and Paddy not allowed into Leopardstown


Our government shat themselves a few weeks ago with these nonsensical restrictions.

I rode the wife this morning. Iā€™ve been self isolating since


Moderna not finished with ye yet.

If you hadnā€™t caught Covid yet, is it fair to say you probably have had it with zero symptoms on a few occasions or you canā€™t actually catch it? My missus has had it and we slept in the same bed for two nights as thought it was a reaction to a vaccine and over Christmas I was on the beer for a day with a fella that tested positive a day later and still nothing.

Iā€™ve somehow still now had it


There something disturbing about the tinfoil hat predictions coming right

How would a mandatory vaccine work in practice? Like, do you go to jail if you donā€™t get one?