Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Sheā€™ll have to get through me to get to itā€¦

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People have been convinced we need to eradicate viruses. Never mind the fact that about 8 percent of our DNA comes from viruses, or that it was virus genes that led to the evolutionary advance that is the placenta. Nope. Viruses are awful, awful yokes.


Thereā€™s that too - locking people down, weakens their immune systems etc

And when things re-open people end up worse off.

The crux of it for me is this virus is a very serious threat to elderly people with underlying illnesses amd pretty much no one else.

Surely once they are protected - the population can move on and live their lives.

Vaccine might - hopefully it does.

I wouldnt be putting my house on it though mate.

They donā€™t know yet and for me they certainly, they dont know if there will be any side effects down the line from the new mRNA jabs. And as someone who doesnt fear Covid personally if I was to get it - Iā€™m very reluctant to take any new vaccine like that.

The mods here are traversing a tightrope of social responsibility. On one hand, they canā€™t have clowns posting their ravings. On the other, if they ban a lad like your man last year, thereā€™s every chance heā€™ll end up murdering someone.

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Lads scared of dying. Itā€™s a joke. Complete over reaction to covid in Western countries. We should have built a few more morgues and carried on ta fuck. I want a few pints on a high stool. Consequences be damned.


GardaĆ­ are advising the public of the need to plan their activities over the weekend.

Some guard on overtime drove a tank up into the mountains on a sunny day and basically tweeted ā€œyou canā€™t come here, nah nah na-nah nah.ā€



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Donā€™t be such a gobshite and take the vaccine.

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Iā€™ll hold my hands up on it - Iā€™m a gobshite more than most on here, but whats that got to do with me taking the vaccine mate?

I honestly wonā€™t be taking it. Why should I be forced to take it?

Surely once the vulnerable have taken it, whats the problemā€¦

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Why wouldnā€™t you take it. By the time you have the chance they will have been tested on probably hundreds of millions of people

For the same reason that Iā€™ve never seen the need to take the flu vaccine mate. I donā€™t see covid as a threat to my health and the vaccines arent around long enough for anyone to tell me that they donā€™t have long term side effects.

Simple as that. Not rising anyone on that. Thats my firm belief.

Iā€™d rather rely on staying fit, taking vitamins and letting my immune system deal with the virus if I were to get it.


+1 lad, well said.

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Thatā€™s perfectly reasonable, pal. I fully respect your decision, and those of others, not to take the vaccine.

Itā€™ll be a sorry state of affairs for democracy in this country if people are bullied into taking it.

I was happy enough to take it but each to their own. Making it compulsory for work or travel etc would be a step closer to an erosion of our civil liberties.


What about reducing the chances of you passing it on to anyone else?

What about the fact that the faster we get to a high percentage of the population vaccinated the sooner things open up and the more vaccinated the more life gets back to normal?

Absolutely dodgy, thanks for that mate.

I respect anyones decision to take the vaccines if thats what they feel is right, but for me, I wonā€™t be signing up for it.

Its not about being a crank even, people should be entitled to make that decision without being derided for it, especially as people who are vaccinated surely shouldnt have a problem with regards to the virus.

My worry is though that itā€™ll be forced through the vaccine passport etc - I wonā€™t be changing my mind though regardless, honestly.

I have no respect for that decision at all to be honest. Itā€™s ridiculous.

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Iā€™ve set out why.

Surely if those that are worried about getting the virus are vaccinated, whats the problem?

Chances are I wouldnt be getting the jab till 2022 anywayā€¦for a liberal guy, youā€™re letting yourself down here in terms of peoples rights.