Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Do any of ye lads work?

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Ireland are in the middle of a transition week then :joy:

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Itā€™ll be funny to watch the excuses build up.

Weā€™ll be open by June. Narrative shifted to a far more positive message yesterday as they donā€™t want flak for the vaccination shit show.

The French were always hoores for the jabbing tbf. No surprise to see them fire up the big numbers once they got it up and running.

Ming has made it onto tiktok himself.

That cunt is nicking my research.

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A title late but I wish to praise the Italian ambassador for calling out the shitshow and then speaking so well on radio this morning.

what did he say?

Youā€™re welcome

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Something like Mamma Mia.

The commission has given the government 10 days to reply to itā€™s letter outlining that less restrictive measures should be in place so that should be the end of that hopefully.

The media have been telling us there is loads of yanks arriving on holidays every day.

There seems to be a growing movement against the EU and internationalism in Ireland going by some of the responses to this tweet

Ignoramuses like you, people who cannot grasp infection rates rather than death rates are the nub, remain the real problem.

Stick to the Q-Anon stuff. At least that type of madness is self contained.

ā€˜Covid is only like fluā€¦ā€™ People like you are so stupid that it becomes puzzling how ye are vertebrate.

But sure you, in your utter conceit, know best, a lad on the internetā€¦ Sure you could solve the problem in the morning, if only all the governments of the world would listen to you.

Yeah, a moron on the internet, the Aughnacloy Shaman, who is against everything and for nothing, has all the answersā€¦

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Lot of hot air from a schlepper like yourself but very little data.

Fuck off you spoofer.


But infection rates are practially zero in a lot of counties.

This letter from the Commission, fucking hell :grinning:

You are the fuckinā€™ spoofer. And any sensible person knows it. You wear paranoia and stupidity like Galway crusties used wear dreadlocks.

What are you for? Nothing.

How many ways have you of being for nothing? A million.

You are such a moron that you claim we should simply go back to where we were in February 2020 ā€“ and no one should take a vaccine.

The Aughnacloy Shamanā€¦ The internet has a lot to answer for.

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I back mine up with data numbnuts.

7 deaths of u40s up north with Covid in 59,432 cases. Thatā€™s a 0.01% death rate.

103 deaths of 40-59s up north in 36,308 cases. Thatā€™s a 0.28% death rate.

Cumulatively 110 deaths of u60s in 95,740 cases in the north. A 0.11% death rate.

Thatā€™s before we even get into:

a) The arbitrary recording of Covid deaths
b) The vast majority of those who die with Covid (>90%) already have underlying health conditions

No thesaurus if the world is going to help you argue that you incompetent fool.

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ā€˜Death rateā€™ is not the problem. Morons like you who cannot grasp this simple point are a large part of the problem.

The reason why various societies are shut down in whatever degree: infection rate rather than death rate. Not so complex a facet to grasp.

It really takes a staggering amount of stupidity still to be parroting death rate guff more than a year later. Staggeringā€¦

What are you for? Nothing ā€“ except paranoia about Bill Gates and big pharma and all the rest.

By the way, what does it feel like to be stupid? I have always been curious. Is being stupid like having a permanent flu, say?

Do tell.

There is no logic or data to support any contention you made there.

Just loads of an angry insults from a spoofer.

Put up or shut up dimwit.