Coronavirus - Here come the variants

So had Isle of man.

Zero Covid is impossible without the vaccine

It would appear so. There is no other rational explanation as far as I can see. I find McGuirks overt racism quite repellent myself but I do think any journalist worth their salt would want to question these emails regardless of the source

What’s the long term side effects of Covid on your age group?

It’s clearly a concern for you re vaccines (despite absolutely no data) so why is it not a concern for you re the actual virus?

Your point about boosters is immaterial. If that’s what it takes and they’re safe what’s the issue?

Finally a vaccine can be highly effective without being 100% effective. That doesn’t mean it’s unsafe or not worth taking. As such, maximum societal benefit is achieved through the Max no of people taking it. Your view is quite selfish imho.

To be honest, that’s all fine. Be irrational. Use emotions in your arguments instead of facts. Be selfish. But if you do all that sign off from moaning about lockdowns etc as you make no sense


If Ronan Mullen and Johnny Arse are your cheerleaders then it is surely a time for reflection.

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Rowing back on the “Covid Placentitis” already

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There are people who’ll sneer at the idea that vaccines have anything to do with the autism epidemic we’re witnessing. They must be right because big pharma (a term which gets them all excited) has spent millions defending this and other claims in court…and they’ve been successful, with the autism one at least …so it may be down to environmental or other factors etc…
But it’s a nice simple matter of arithmetic for them…you’ve a numerical risk of something from covid and maybe you’ve a numerical risk of something from the vaccine. That the somethings aren’t the same wont be acknowledged.
My neighbour’s kid never recovered from the mmr vaccine,.I known that for a fact, regardless of court judgements. My own kids autism may or may not have been caused by the swine flu vaccine that his mother was advised to have (a bit of a big pharma faux pas in hindsight). Surely some of the lads who fling the anti vaxxer insult around could tell me for certain …one way or the other?


Do you have more details on this? I heard a snippet earlier from today’s press conference and some HSE/NPHET type (a lady, don’t know who) appeared to be justifying it on the basis of ONE other case worldwide.

Hes done a full heel turn on the permanent lockdown crew. Vincent mcmahon couldn’t have wrote it better himself.

How can you not see that it makes sense to be concerned about taking a vaccine that’s been rushed through in 12 months to combat a virus that is proven to have a negligible impact on his age group? He’s not the crazy one here.


Fergal Bowers basically rubbished it quoting some doctor on the news there. Wasn’t giving it my full attention though

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Long covid is the biggest pile of shit I’ve ever heard. As bad as a 3 day hangover.


The reason why there is a rise in autism is more diagnosis etc. Long ago they were just or bold or thick children. An awful viewpoint looking back but suggesting vaccines have anything to do with it is moronic


Mullen is a turd but I assume you agree with the sentiment there, mike?

Dangerous too

Long term side effects for people under 75 not just my age demographic are negligable mate,

For me, these vaccines are not around long enough or have been fully trialled to give you an answer on that,

I’ll go back to my final point on my last post - if you and yours are vaccinated with a vaccine that claims to significantly reduce symptoms, what do you care what I or anyone else does?

What doesnt the vaccine provide immunity in the first place? Thats even more reason to be sceptical around it.

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Another false claim from an Irish doctor that has caused immense damage to the world.

Covid has proven serious risks even for a healthy person.

There are no proven risks of vaccines, in fact they’ve been tested and determined to be safe.

You prefer a proven serious risk to something that you have made up in your own head might be a risk.

As tallback said, that’s not rational.

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Im beginning to think our doctors aren’t aren’t up to much

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No real desire to get into the middle of this argument, but your numbers are way off.

For a person in the 30s, the risk of hospitalization if infected with Covid is about 1.5% and the risk of death about 0.1%. That’s for all races and health status, so a healthy Caucasian in that age bracket would be lower.

Risk rises as we know with age, 5-18 have minimum risk of hospitalization or death, risk of death is about 0.03% for someone in their 20s and 8% for someone over 80.

All based on CDC data, so 29 million cases and 525k deaths.