Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Because if enough people refuse the vaccine lockdowns will still happen

I wonder how many lives have been saved by the MMR vaccine, how many serious disabilities avoided etc etc,

Thereā€™s going to be limited side effects from anything and peoples lives will be affected, I donā€™t mean that to sound cold but you need to put it into context,

I donā€™t believe we should be locked down at all. Regardless of vaccines.

Reason initally for lockdown was ā€œoverwhelming the health systemā€

Ffs, its been overwhelmed for the last 30 years. People who die from Covid have been on their watch as well overwhelmly in nursing homes and hospitals going back to last March.


Then you should do your bit for reopening by taking the vaccine


You lured him in the grandest there.

Be careful mate - Bill Gates is gonna get you ā€¦

Yeah maybe. All seems vague. But as I said itā€™s about relative risk

Does the social distancing, mask wearing and washing hands not achieve that though mate?

Long covid is pie in the sky stuff mate.

Your thinking will result in rolling lockdowns for every variant of this respitory virus that we are going to have going forward.

Think about that scenario - youā€™re throwing everything you have into big pharma corporations hands, instead of telling people exercise, lose weight, take vitamins etc

I think its madness anyway.

Thatā€™s grand. Wait for long term studies on the vaccine. But donā€™t piss and moan about lockdown and other restrictions while youā€™re waiting for that data.

Iā€™ve answered the question on why societal protection from vaccines is dependent upon a high uptake. Ignore that if you will but thatā€™s the facts of the situation.

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Clearly not.

Iā€™m not a scientist but nobody ever said that masks would get rid of Covid. They are a measure to limit the spread, not eliminate it.

Iā€™m fairly against lockdown myself but have no time whatsoever for this anti-vaxx stuff that is creeping in here.


I wasnā€™t trying to overstate it - I was just pulling a figure off the top off my head that I though I saw in a HSE presentation the other day. As I said in my point I agree that the death risk for someone in their 30ā€™s is pretty low

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Jaysus - maybe the government could do their bit first and make the HSE a fit for purpose operation.

A total and utter shambles that is well funded too mind per capita.

Stop using the word proof when to comes to science, there is no such concept. It also makes you look like an idiot when you criticize others for being irrational.

There are risks with Covid and there are risks with vaccines. The risks from Covid are now reasonably well understood, there is no data whatsoever on the long term risk of Covid vaccines, especially mRNA vaccines, although it is believed to be low. For a person who is in a vulnerable category, we can reasonably say that the risk from Covid is far greater than the risk from one of the vaccines. For a young healthy person there is minimal risk from Covid, so it is perfectly reasonable to be concerned about long term effects of a vaccine when we have no long term data.


Theres a risk to everything. Its like yourman on rte last year. In icu for covid, 32 no underlying conditions suddenly after covid he has diabetes. Now did anyone think that he may have been undiagnosed diabetic prior to covid? No its a long covid problem

There is no need to wait - we need to get on with things and open up.

Lockdowns in my opinion are doing a lot more harm than good.

+1 , well said mate.

Really? So having autism and appearing to be thick present themselves similarly? I sat through a few hours of testing with my young lad. I could be wrong but I dont remember academic ability featuring

The vaccine manufacturers are not claiming their vaccines will eliminate covid either mate.

Iā€™m not anti-vaxx at all, did you get the flu jab last winter?

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You have some notion of yourself. Youā€™re in absolutely no position to tell me what I need to put into context. Iā€™ll put it down to a lack of self awareness and bad manners and leave it at that.

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