Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Be the hokey

Mullen Mullen Mullen

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Eddie on boardā€¦

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Possibly the only worthwhile question ever asked in the History of the Irish Seanad


Excellent question from Mullen in fairness.

But based on any available and credible facts, that is not a rational assessment of risk.


He has alternative facts.

Flesh out those facts for me mate?

I reckon my risk of dying with Covid at 35 years of age with no underlying illnesses is pretty much zero. Same as the seasonal flu in fact.

Do you have anything to hand to suggest otherwise?


No I agree your risk is relatively low but not immaterial. Off the top of my head 5-10% of cases in that age group end up in hospital with a much lower % dying. Long Covid is a risk but I donā€™t have a sense of % for that. Prob the bigger risk is you get it and transmit it to someone with a higher risk profile but I havenā€™t got the sense that transmission is a high concern for you.

However, there is no data to suggest a comparable level of risk from taking a vaccine - the data would suggest much much lower if at all, yet you seem far more concerned about this risk - which relatively speaking is in the hapenny place to the virus.

Thatā€™s the irrational bit - your comparison of relative risk


Proven risk v made up in his head risk.

I honestly cannot get my head around this. Why is no one asking any member of the zero-COVID crew (on any of their many, many media appearances) a single question about it? Iā€™ve not seen or heard if even mentioned once. What in the name of Christ is going on?

Because even allowing for his demolition job on Neale Richmond the other night McGuirk is toxic

In the simplistic binary world of Irish media if youā€™re against Zero Covid you are for Covid and want to kill grannies. Except NPHET, they get a pass for being against it because they are experts


Ok, 5-10% of people end up in hospital at my age - have you got a source for that mate?

Have you also got a source for long covid symptoms? I reckon there is very little research done on that to date,

Iā€™ve seen nothing to suggest either of the above are a worry for my health personally. In relation to my views on transmission - youā€™re totally wrong, Iā€™ve played by the so called rules all along,

Lets not forget - no one in my family has had Covid, if you want to use that stick, can you say the same mate?

Ultimately, no one including your good self can tell me or anyone else about long term side effects of these vaccines- thats where my reservation regarding them comes from,

Hopefully theyā€™ll be absolutely fine - that would be ideal, but the noise coming from Israel as an example suggests a 3rd and 4th booster shot will be needed etc etcā€¦

Where does it end? And if I donā€™t take a vaccine - surely yours protects you? And if doesnt, whats the point of it?

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Are all of our media that blinded by their hate for him that they will ignore something this big? These ISAG lads want to take over peopleā€™s lives for the best part of a year, and do so on the back of bogus statements and ā€œattacking people rather than institutionsā€ and no paper or TV or radio or website will even mention it?!

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Wont we be nearly at zero covid in about 8 weeks?

Debate the post not the poster Glas.

Covid is here for good mate in one form or another. We need to learn to live with it and get on with things.

None of the vaccines are 100% effective, this is an important point in relation to that statement. Not really with regard to @tallback assuming heā€™s in good health but many people arenā€™t