Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Agreed. Get vaccines into as many people as possible in as quick as time as possible and then open up. Itā€™s the least risky and most realistic solution.

Anyone who stands in the way of that either has an agenda and can get in the sea or would want to be coming with hard data, not ā€œconcernsā€


If enough people take the vaccine, we will get to an acceptable level of risk with Covid. It will probably still be there but nowhere near as dangerous.

I didnā€™t get the flu jab. We donā€™t usually have lockdowns for the flu. Like yourself my main aim is a return to normality. Iā€™m being realistic that the vaccine is the only way that will happen.


20/30 years ago. The evidence is clear that autistic children excel in different areas. The ole Christian brothers only saw what they thought and students ability to learn that curriculum as the only yard stick for intelligence.

Saying autism and vaccines are related is moronic. There is no other way to describe it. Vaccines do have side effects in rare circumstances but autism is never a side effect

An acceptable level of risk? Call me cynical mate but this Nphet crowd over us donā€™t know the meaning of the word. They are zero covid zealots.

I think people are in for a big shock if they think these vaccines are going to get us out of this and back to what we knew as normal in February 2020.

Hope Iā€™m wrong sincerely but I donā€™t have any faith in Nphet anywayā€¦but theyā€™re allowed to do it because no one can die anymore these days. Its absolutlely mad.

Majority are behind it - lets see what happens.

100% I do have concerns about the vaccines, bit I have looked at the pros and cons. Looked at the risks and also that several companies have all developed a vaccine independently. This has given me confidence. Mass vaccination is the best option and easiest. The other options are zero covid which is pie in the sky. Natural herd immunity is viewed as unethical and will cause more deaths. We need to stop the bullshit artists claiming the the vaccine isnā€™t the answer or the more dangerous anti vaxx crowd


Sorry, thatā€™s extremely wrong. According to the HSE website here itā€™s about 5% of all cases that end up in hospital. Iā€™d say thatā€™s what you heard.

Itā€™s very hard to find a good source for figures on hospitalisations with an age breakdown (suspiciousā€¦) but I think for people in their 30s it might be about 3%. @Tierneevin1979 says itā€™s a lot less, he might be right.


It would appear to a cynical eye, that Luke is mainly searching for, or trying to maintain the adulation of the public. He has recognised the swing in public opinion far quicker than the other covid ā€œpersonalitiesā€

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Get in the sea???

Mask slipping a bitā€¦

Iā€™m no fan of NPHET but they are completely against the Zero Covid strategy.

NPHET are decision makers at the moment but once the summer comes and cases and hospital admissions decrease to basically nothing they will lose their power

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In fairness he never changed his tune, he always said the only hope is the vaccine back to his big break onto our TV screens. Now that is here he maintains that while others moved to keep the fear button pushed.

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Read what you just posted there mate again. Maybe twice.

What happens next winter and the following winter?

Do you have a point or are you trying to deflect?

Next winter our elderly will be vaccinated

You can decide not to get vaccinated for your own reasons but you need to lecture everyone else to your belief.

Iā€™m not mate - each to their own on this.

Think its the other way around really with threats of being thrown into the sea. :rofl:

A phrase to indicate they should be dismissed as not providing credible arguments either through foolishness or knavery and therefore should have no influence on debate/decisions that impact upon real people.


Iā€™m no academic mate - fair enough re the sea piece.

Nothing personal here at all.

Neither am I!

Ah get in the sea is just a throwaway phase Iā€™d use.

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The hospitalization rate is 1% for people in their 20s. It rises gradually by age to about 3% for people in their 50s, and then ramps significantly. Itā€™s around 5% for people over 70 and over 10% for people over 80.


Thatā€™s that then. Meanwhile there is are efforts amongst conscientious scientists to investigate possible links between a range of neurological problems and nano particles and toxins used in vaccines. The morons.

The latest scaremongering was a lady on the news this evening saying that long-Covid will make you impotent. ā€œWhat are the effects on your sex life of long-unemployment?ā€ I shout back at the radio.