Coronavirus - Here come the variants

In fairness the long term unemployed seem to be breeding just fine, they are being incentivised though



You’ll be having chili in your porridge and worrying about another man stirring your porridge with your missus.

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From what I’ve heard on the ground, other than the really old, nearly all the other hospitalisations were obese.

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Bring fat is a slap in the face of frontline workers

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The CDC considers too many people overweight. A prime Mike Tyson is obese according to them

I’ve been told I will be involved in the quarantine process, mainly in an administration, red-tape, more-harm-than-good kind of role. I was asked then if I wanted to conscientiously object to the work. I said no, but if there was an option to object on the grounds of it being pointless, over-the-top and a waste of time and resources, I would.

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Will there be overtime?

You’re taking the high ground because you have a neighbour who’s autism you are certain is down to the MMR vaccines? That shuts down the conversation? For a self styled hard man you have very little to offer.

That’s my issue. Ideally I’ll sit here for 12 hours doing nothing and then do the quarantine stuff on OT

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I’m not being a hard man at all. I was just trying to put a humane slant on the safety of vaccines argument. If I was being a hard man I suppose I’d tell my neighbour to pit his kids problems in context, but I’d feel like an utter tramp in doing so.

Oh you can be sure that if I was talking to your neighbour I’d be very careful with my words.

But you don’t get to shut down debate on the MMR vaccine on the strength of that,
Lack of self awareness, notions, bad manners??

Your hardman persona where I’m involved goes beyond that one post,

You know perfectly well I’m not trying to shut down any debate, you’re just uncomfortable with someone interfering with your simple binary outlook. That’s fine but you don’t get to sneer at or dismiss the idea of a child that doesn’t fit in.
Hiding behind some notion that you’re the victim doesn’t help


Sneer at the idea of a child that doesn’t fit in? That’s an awful comment, what does it even mean

The first point you made above is not above discussion, how are you so certain?

Doesn’t fit in with your argument…dont be paranoid

The kid had the vaccine, spent three days on his back with his eyes rolling in his head. Never regained full mobility, interaction etc. But you know better…


You’ll have to explain how I sneered at anything to do with your neighbours kid. I didn’t even dismiss anything,

Fucking auld lads will be sitting above on the high stool while they are still arresting young lads having a few cans outdoors

Truly light at the end of the tunnel.

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Fair enough. I’ll put it down to bad manners and lack o awareness