Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Absolutely. We should all be on the side with Paul Murphy, Ruth Coppinger, Richard Boyd Barrett and Brid Smith. All led by the man who predicted in October that there would be 20 to 30 thousand deaths by Christmas and refrigerator trucks and mass graves.


Interesting list you put together there. Haven’t heard their take but would I be correct in saying they agree with the general consensus of medical experts across the globe? I mean, if they didn’t, they’d be righlty lambasted.

The people on that list are in disagreement with NPHET so under any fair assessment they would be lambasted as you can’t disagree with the experts. They are in agreement with the Twitter commentariat so aren’t being lambasted.

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What’s the upside of the vaccine for u40s?

Who was this?

Think you are trying to obfuscate here @tallback.

What is the upside of someone u40 getting a vaccine?

Gerry Killeen predicted in October that the trends were showing Ireland would have 30,000 deaths by Christmas. Ireland had about 1,800 at that stage. They had about 2,200 at Christmas, so an increase of 400, not 28,000. And no one seems to want to question him or call him out on it. He is part of the zero covid ISAG group who are more intent on scaring people rather than using actual fact based reasoning.


No evidence either way.

You seem to be saying people should choose to take a vaccine which may or may not cause problems - it’s hard to tell. Look at the case in Austria last week. We have seen it with vaccines before, the Polio vaccine being one.

The alternative is to take a chance that you may or may not get a case of Covid which has a minimal chance of causing mild or severe illness never mind death.

Do you take a flu jab yourself every year?

What’s the proven risk?

A 1 in 10,000 chance of death which was probably accompanied by underlying health issues.

They disagree with NPHET on how to deal with the virus, not on the severity of it.

Stick to your guns pal.

Don’t let the Nazis try to impose their will on you.


So we should be wary of the virus but not the vaccine?

That is some level of hypocrisy there.

I am amazed that the Social Democrats have been taken in by this. The other loons seem to be for it because the so called right are for relaxing restrictions.

That said Ronan Mullen is a horrible bastard so I wouldn’t be praising him for anything.


I’m sure you are capable of looking up what the risks of contracting covid are for yourself. You don’t need me to spoon-feed it to you.

I have set out above what I see as the three reasons to take the vaccine. You can read it here again.

It’s amazing how people who vote for centre right parties want to censor any questions on big pharma or other captains of industry.

Tallback seems like the type of idiot who will defend Davys on their recent transgressions.

I have.

A 1 in 10,000 incident of death per cases in the north in the u40 category.
93% of people who died had underlying health issues
The AZ vaccine has been stopped in Austria as a woman in her 30s died shorlty after receiving the vaccine
And that’s before we start on the arbitrary recording of deaths.

Of course when a debate gets anyway substantive and requires facts you don’t like to have to stand over your emotive views. That we know very well. You are utterly incapable of debating in facts and data.

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Can you not separate the point he made from your dislike of the man?
Are there people you work with that you despise but who every so often make a valid point at which you can grudgingly admit to yourself that they have a point.
And same goes for any walk of life…
It seems to be a problem for society these days. People only comfortable about discourse in their own echo chambers mired in identity politics and labels. I dont know enough about Ronan Mullen to cast aspersions on him but he made a valid point there. Its a question I have not heard answered and deserves a response.


Low risk of death. Any other risks outside of death related to contacting covid at all?

Do you consider factors other than personal risk to yourself at all?

Like getting run over by a bus

He’s an utter cunt bit he’s spot on with that intervention. Same as Michael O’Leary with some recent interviews.