Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Load of lads playing the man not the ball

What are the proven serious risks for a health person.

This is just completely baseless bullshit you are spouting here to back up views.

And you the lad who wants to open up foreign travel so the virus and be imported and exported more freely.

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This is the level of debate you are incapable.

You have trotted out misinformation and lies and then seek to debase any reasonable debate with cheap idiotic comments like.

What a pillock you are.

Again, Iā€™m sure you donā€™t need me to spoon-feed you information. You can look it up.

Simple answer - quicker return to normality or some version of normality for all of us than if they donā€™t take it.

Amazing the hypocrisy of some here.

Lads who are happy to spread flu and kill every winter trying to shame others for not getting a novel vaccine that is neither proven to stop infection or transmission of the virus.

Some incredible idiots being supplied keyboards.


What point did he make?

He listed a lot of quotes which he received from an unknown location and which he may well have deliberately placed out of context.

Hence my general distrust for the guy comes into play. I doubt that what he said is as straightforward as he makes it out to be.

How does it achieve that when it is not proven to either stop transmission or infection?

What is the upside for the u40s when the chances of it having any sort of moderate impact on them are minimal?

Can you answer that?

Fine for people to die from flu and overwhelm the health service with winter flu.

Not fine with Covid.

Hypocrisy 101.

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The only one deflecting here is you.

Itā€™s a massive surprise to find youā€™re an anti-vaxxer too :joy: :joy:


I asked you this question already but of course you avoided it:

Do you only consider factors relating to yourself in this decision? Is the effect on other people of you taking it or not taking the vaccine a consideration for you at all?

I took it this year. Didnā€™t previous years more out of lack of organisation than any other reason

Hard to tell.

The vaccines are not proven to stop infection or transmission so the benefits/risks to them only apply to me. The upside of the vaccine to someone in my demopgraph is absolutely minimal.

If you wish to get it then Iā€™m not going to criticise you but you seem to be very intolerant to grounded concerns of others.

Answered above.

You see, I have no problem in discourse and debate. I have confidence in my ability to frame an argument in facts, data and logic.

You like to get emotive, shout abuse and then play the victim before running off when you canā€™t substantiate your irrational and highly emotional opinions.

So you wonā€™t answer the question?

Answered above dimwit.

I am man enough to answer questions where as you run away.

You are delivering false narratives now. Utterly pathetic but you do this routinely.

Nothing 100% concrete yet but a lot of noise that the vaccines indeed have an effect on these with concrete information on its way.

In one post you have no problem with discourse or debate, in the next you resort to childish name-calling.

You didnā€™t answer the question.

In making you decision do you consider the effects your decision has on other people, or only on yourself? Itā€™s a very simple question. Do you consider the impact on other people as relevant to your decision, yes or no?

They are not proven to do so.

All they have shown to be done is minimise the impact of infection which is clearly great for at risk categories but of no real discernible impact to healthy people u40.