Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I have answered it. You saying I havenā€™t is utterly pathetic.

You have been asked a question and have failed to answer. I have been asked a question and answered. You havenā€™t even bothered to respond to it.

FYI here is the answer.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re already planning your exit strategy from here as you donā€™t have the courage to debate your pathetic and emotive opinions.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is hopping mad on the vaccine rollout thread about not meeting targets and how itā€™s a disgrace.

Meanwhile in this thread, Shure the vaccines are only a cod anyway :joy:


Yeah my only knowledge of him really is the time Ruth Coppinger ran a campaign to get into the Seanad on a remit of Mullens character not being representative of modern Ireland. He was on RTE as a voice for the other side of the abortion debate as well. As I said you dont have to agree with 1 scintilla of what he has said on the past but rarely in the course of our 100 year history since independence have we faced challenges like we are now and any or all voices are welcome. In fact I would have laid politics to one side last summer when it became clear that there was a stalemate on government formation and tried to form a temporary national assembly. The opposition are rudderless anyway with only 1 or 2 independent TDā€™s challenging the consensus.

I donā€™t think the virus is a cod.

It is a big risk to people in poor health and the elderly.

The vaccine rollout is a shambles.

I think the kind of bigotry and intolerance being shown by @glasagusban, @the_man_himself and @tallback is something that people should speak out against. @The_Most_Infamous raised some valid concerns and I think was very civil in how he put his views forward, they should be respected. Instead we had a pile on from the bigoted idiots who were quick enough rolling out misinformation in an attempt to shame him into their view. Itā€™s pathetic.


Indeed he was. Even in the face of people disagreeing with him he doesnā€™t get riled up or get personal or resort to insults. Itā€™s enjoyable discussing things with him because he can have an alternative view but doesnā€™t resort to childish name-calling.

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No that doesnā€™t answer the question. I distilled it down to a simple yes/no question for you even, but still no response.

In fairness I donā€™t give one fuck about the vaccine for people under the age forty that are healthy. The problem is nothing will open up until everyone is vaccinated so the roll out is key even if you donā€™t buy into it.

Iā€™ve no issue saying I wouldnā€™t be pushed about getting the vaccine only for the simple fact Iā€™m desperate go back racing and travelling to a few events I miss and I know in Ireland that wonā€™t happen without the vaccine. If I was allowed without the vaccine I would have zero worries.


Heā€™s an ultra Catholic type. A real headbanger Iona institute class of a guy. Heā€™s the senator for Galway and gets in every time shamefully for alumni such as myself. What happens without fail is that there are too many ā€œnormalā€ candidates that split their vote, and this loon gets in ahead of them with his hardcore supporters.

That said, Iā€™m fully in agreement with his intervention. This pandemic really has turned the whole world upside down.

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The question you asked was a loaded question based on a false narrative. That is now proven.

If you want to justify your question as valid then you to tell me what the upsides of the u40 getting the vaccines is at it is neither proven to stop transmission or infection while it has been proven that the chances of anything serious occurring to an u40 who is fit and healthy is virtually non-existent.

Of course when that challenged is laid to you, you backed away. Your question was bogus and when that has been pointed out to you that is where you have failed to prove it is valid.

I disagree. I donā€™t think you have proven anything.

Why canā€™t you answer the question in principle.

Remove it from the vaccine even.

In making a decision do you only consider its effect on yourself or do you consider its possible impact on others as factors for consideration?

Itā€™s a really simple question about your principles and decision making process.

I donā€™t have any follow up at all by the way. You can answer or continue to avoid.

Pro abortion elements hate Mullen because heā€™s not a sheep & stands up for what he believes in.

He has been democratically elected as a Senator from what Iā€™ve seen, and not been gifted a position because heā€™s mates with the sitting Taoiseach of the day or whoever.

You need to have a bit of a rethink here

:grin: :grin:

Heā€™s a great bit of stuff.

Hold on a second here.

You asked a loaded question. The challenge is there for you if you want to disprove that contention but once again we see that when a debate becomes a case of claims or opinions need to be substantiated you shit yourself. You can get emotive and play the victim all you like but you canā€™t substantiate your claims.

There is nothing to support these vaccines stops transmission or stop infection so if thatā€™s the case the only benefits and risks that apply to the vaccine are with the person who gets it. That person should then have their personal freedom respected in whether they view it of benefit to them. Your intolerance to the views of those people is pathetic.

When the vaccine does not stop transmission or infection then there is no upside for anyone else, the only potential benefits/risks lie with the person vaccinated. You are unable to debate this because there are no facts that corroborate your side of the story.

Of course I look at the bigger picture on who it impacts. I find it the height of hypocrisy that youā€™re pushing this when you are mad for international air corridors to be opened up unrestricted. This is why I think foreign travel should be the very last thing to return after this. If you werenā€™t so selfish then maybe you would not be ambling for itā€™s return while thousands of people remain out of work and society as a whole remains in lockdown.

How many more times will you be asked to explain the upside of u40s getting vaccines and fail to construct a response?

The question was about your decision making process. You havenā€™t answered it. Iā€™ll leave it at that since you seem to be getting very triggered and emotional over it.

This is a really really odd question. I set it out ages ago and even linked it for you to read again. I identified three specific reasons. I donā€™t know why you want to keep repeating yourself and want me to keep repeating myself.

Has genuinely nobody at all challenged the zero covid crowd on this in the media??

I have answered. Clearly, definitively and decisively.

Now you keep making false accusations at me not answering questions which I have addressed thoroughly. I have also shown how your question was based on a false narrative, you havenā€™t been unable contend that with anything of substance.

You seem to demand I answer your questions (and when I do you then claim I havenā€™t - which is a lie) but you yourself think you are above having to do the same in return.

You have failed to answer the question again. The vaccine has not been proven to stop infection or transmission so the benefits and risks are only to the person who gets it. You do seem to think you have a God given right to shame people who do not conform to your thinking. Itā€™s not an odd question at all, if you want someone u40 to get the vaccine then they would need to see some incentives. All you have offered are lies and misinformation. Have you anything of substance to support it?

Can you please answer this question and stop being such a coward about it?

Ah. So you did in the post above. It only took posing the question about eight times. I missed the answer in the rest of that long rambling diatribe. Good of you to answer anyway, finally.

I identified three reasons. They havenā€™t changed. I donā€™t know why you keep repeating things over and over again, or want me to.

Less of the childish name-calling please.

I am sure that it hasnā€™t slipped your mind that this whole area is new. Covid-19, vaccines for Covid-19.

Would you not take the vaccine based on the likelihood that it has an effect on transmissibility?