Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Respected by Joe Public. So yes, Claire and the Indo :grin:

And why do you think they’re not reporting it?

Even if they wanted to, which I don’t believe they do given the airtime given to Killeen, the source would be rubbished as far right conspiracy.

Of course they don’t want to. The media have played a disgraceful role in all this…frightening the life out of glas etc


I take it those 600+ cases today are an absolute disaster? The lockdown has failed because we had a bit of sun 2 weeks ago and people crept out from under their rocks?

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The college Court spike should be showing in the figures now. All 32 cases reported for Limerick I assume.

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We need a way to combat decent weather

Tomas Ryan could suggest we weld doors shut to keep everyone indoors

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TBH, the amount of people that were out 2 weekends ago, if the figures weren’t up it was all a cod.

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It’s not easy to catch Covid outdoors, welding people out of their houses would work better.

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Why is that? Genuine question. Only hearing of this gript mob in recent week or two and was impressed with his handing of adversaries on Prime time last week.

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Yer man McGuirk is associated in the minds of people with Iona due to his campaigning in the recent referendums. Easy to dismiss him as a “far right” agitator and play the man not the ball.

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You know that thing you saw with your own eyes. You’re not allowed to see it because you saw it in the wrong place.

That seems to be it.

What was he doing looking in the first place? We have people that do the looking for us, no need for Joe public to go looking into things themselves as they might start thinking. That’s the last thing any of us need.


It would appear that a fourth lockdown is considered such a disaster that the government are happy to let the third one run forever to avoid it


They basically said that Ireland is not even halfway through this lockdown.

You’ll have lots of people doing mental gymnastics claiming this is totally fine and thanks to NPHET for letting them go beyond 5km though.


He’s published some very racist pieces and is generally an absolute cunt. Doesn’t mean he’s not right on this mind, can’t believe no other media source is picking up on it


The eviction ban is (somehow) connected to the 5km limit and people on the INTERNET have started defending it on that basis. You see some form of “oh well I’m happy to stay within my 5km (WFH, near several parks and amenities, financially secure) if it stops people getting evicted” quoted a bit. We have truly lost our mind


It’s as if the state legislature cannot make a law to change that linkage

If you allowed ten of thousands of people back to work you could also prevent evictions