Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Happened in Austria too.

The only thing I can think of with the AZ vaccine and the correlation of blood clotting is how has there been no recorded cases in the UK which have probably administered more AZ vaccines than the EU.

I can only put it down to some sort of Greggs immunity the UK population have developed.

cc @flattythehurdler


I know of a lad who got it in the UK and is after developing clots in his lungs and he’s back in Ireland now recovering

Only another 10 weeks lads and we might be able to meet 2 friends outside :partying_face:


If he wasn’t living in the UK for long, he might not have built up enough of the required Greggs immunity.


Norn iron just got handed an unexpected batch of az vaccines yesterday…with a short shelf life. Hurry up lads , horse it into you

I could really do with the barbers opening. The back of my head is like the remnants of when you plane a piece of timber.

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A haircut and a gym session before the summer is out please god :pray:


End of May

Mary Lou stated on Claire Byrne radio show this morning that we should be giving this to older people & NPHET were to cautious.

there have been millions of the Astra vaccing administered globally. and there are potentially 2 deaths, but not yet proven. They even say in the article that the blood clotting reported is not above the normal for reports of blood clotting without a vaccine. Even in Ireland, there have been 100,000 of the astra vaccine issued. I’ve not seen any one claiming any serious issues with it here?

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Is there a lack of the outrage that followed the stillbirth scandal (which was clearly shocking)? This being taken as gospel by the people who screamed loudest past week?



@The_Most_Infamous was screaming about the stillbirth news yet want s to use this anecdotal evidence to shut down vaccinations.

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This is the fella who the doomsayers and Zero Coviders take their lead from.


Can we get Gerry Killeen and Ben Gilroy to face off with a hurl(ey) to determine if we should OUITF.


So 94% of people who don’t have symptoms, eh don’t get symptoms? Is it giving it to the other 6% then?


I’ve never heard of any of these people in my life.

Till Homer’s ghost came whispering to my mind.
He said : I made the Iliad from such
A local row. Gods make their own importance.


The figure was 97% for symptomatic infections, hospitalisations and deaths. So it’s slightly less effective at preventing someone getting a less severe infection, which has no impact on the person but lessens onward transmission. As far as I know, asymptomatic cases carry a lower viral load and are less likely to pass on the virus but there is still a percentage who do. Maybe @Tierneevin1979 can confirm if this headline is significant.

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Does that not mean it stops transmission?