Coronavirus - Here come the variants

He sent his kid to school?

Would you not go out and meet a few friends there mate? It’ll do you good. @Batigol went to see his folks. Just get on with it ta fuck

My flock of seagulls jobbie is coming on the grandest

I assume they are saying it prevents transmission, without definitively saying it.

Zero-Coviders are fundamentally dishonest

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No coincidence that they are often socialists. If we follow this specific set of theoretical actions that are impractical and against human nature we can be watching rugby together sipping Heineken zero.

Nearly there lads.

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Mark Paul is backing OIUTF from a different angle by trying to get religion back up and running. He has a piece behind the paywall in the times but it’s a good ploy.

I think the article is badly written but your summation is correct. They should have focused on “transmission” rather than “infections” as the implication is that once vaccinated transmission is greatly reduced as you would expect, regardless of symptoms or no symptoms.

Reid is well worth his salary

In relation to a Prime Time report due to go out tonight about public health doctors in the track and trace programme, Paul Reid said the IT system is one they had been using “for many, many years” and was probably not fit for a pandemic.

He said a number of IT solutions had to be put in place when they start to reach the volume of cases that we are reaching.

He said a replacement system is needed for pandemic management.

“Ultimately, it doesn’t give the agility that we need in terms of managing a pandemic”, he said.

Dr Colm Henry said they had been working before the pandemic with Public Health Wales on the system they use.

He said that since the pandemic, it’s been agreed that that system “needs refinement”.

What IT systems, they are still relying on scribbled notes in patient folders in hospitals ffs.

Oh I stopped adhering to these nonsense restrictions months ago pal don’t worry about me.

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Tony said something like it’s an old system but we like it and it hasn’t let us down.



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Lockdown till June until the people say enough.

First confirmed case in our (quite large) school today

Stay safe mate.

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