Coronavirus - Here come the variants

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30 schools shut down or partially shut down over last week.

The media on this whole thing is being managed if this has not being released. They need schools to stay open.

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Be grand

Ohhh. Did he feel a little prick?

Is that true?? I thought they werenā€™t shutting any school no matter what

Partially shut is what I heard. They are being as liberal as they can on close contacts etc

Itā€™s reported differently was my point

Iā€™d be very surprised if they shut or partially shut schools though as that would cause panic and theyd be doing the opposite I would have thought. More likely to be hushing up cases and not informing close contacts.

Partially shut as in classes with cases sent home? Thatā€™s no surprise surely, everybody knew that was the case

Did Dr Glynn let off a stinker or something?

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Hes a philosophizer now

Itā€™s a bad hair night here on the Tonight Show :grin:

The mobility index is up lads. Get back under yer fucking beds ye bastards.
The fact that kids are back to school might have something to do with it. Or the fact that thereā€™s no end in sight. But it doesnā€™t matter get the fuck back under the bed

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Jesus, Brian Kennedy looks in a terrible state.

Donā€™t plan anything until June seems to be the jist of it.

Only thing to do is mirror @Thomas_Brady and do your own thing.

I know things are bad but cā€™mon bro

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Wow thatā€™s incredible. As in difficult to believe. Probably because itā€™s not true



But I read it in the interweb