Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Iā€™ve warned you about the inter web before. Howā€™s the invermectin going?

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Ah, Iā€™m joking mate,

On a serious note, Life is too short to be adhering to this bullshit.

Iā€™ll be visiting my parents etc this weekend, same as I have done since Christmas.


I thought that just applied to bare ladies.
Iā€™ve a sort of walkthrough setup set up for ivermectin dosingā€¦your neck might be too thick for it though

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ā€œWe will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.ā€
Direct quote from Sleepy Joe during his 1st press conference since taking the reigns. Bye bye freedom. @mikehunt and the other lockdown cheerleaders must be delighted with this.

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Wonderful to see a President who puts public health ahead of the dollar. God bless him.

Big Pharma over public mental health you mean.

Congrats to Joe on a monumental week. America is in safe hands.

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Thatā€™s alright, it doesnā€™t matter that numbers are going up, the positivity rate is staying low so thatā€™s fine.

I was quite clear so there should be no confusion about what I meant. The last president said it was a hoax and it would just go away itself. The Biden administration is now overseeing the vaccination of 3 million people daily and has just signed a $1.9 tn Covid relief package. A President for all Americans, unlike his predecessor.

Your carnage options seem to be narrowing with just Brazil continuing with your preferred course of action. You may disagree but the general consensus around the world is to prioritise saving lives.

We need to lockdown harder.


Thereā€™s no other way.

Referring to a sizeable portion of his citizens as ā€˜Neanderthalsā€™ would have me doubt this claim. I also sense that you are beginning to have doubts about him too, seen as you wonā€™t give me a straight answer as to why when vaccinations have been complete, resrrictions are still being imposed.

I would consider the claim that most Americans are Neanderthals apt and Iā€™m not making that distinction across racial lines either.

America is a really fucked up society.

But the thing is Joe only claims the ones who donā€™t agree with him are and while you maybe right, I donā€™t think it helps when its their own president.

That was aimed at the governors who decided to open up. The Biden administration, unlike its predecessor, are taking on board scientific advice. Ignoring evidence based advice is neanderthal beaviour. These idiots are in the Trump school of thinking, hoping itā€™ll just go away or itā€™s all a cod.


Close the supermarkets

And the off licenses