Coronavirus - Here come the variants

And the hospitals. Spreading like wildlife there

Fellas like that cunt @Batigol visited his parents. He should be in jail.



That’ll be a slap in the face of frontline workers whonwantnna bottle of wine to unwimd

Close the schools

Maybe he should have aimed it at the states that have done worst in terms of fatalities?

It should be noted that the idea that Neanderthal man was pretty much once removed from stupid, ignorant, knuckle-dragging apes is increasingly challenged. They are now recognised as much more intelligent than previously thought.

It’s also worth noting that most humans have 1-3% Neanderthal DNA.

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33% in Clare


I don’t think calling people Neanderthals is a very nice thing to say, but I suppose it’s ok cos it’s Biden

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Joe public acting the bollix again and making NPHET’s modelers out to be wrong.


This is a roundhouse kick to the puss of all front line workers. Time for another lockdown.


Bad behavior, Tut Tut.

Michael Martin waffling and stuttering away on Six One.

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He is a halfwit.

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Mehole blowing about talking to the POTUS, Pfizer and J&J. And sure it’ll amount to the square root of fuck all.

Shambolic when your one asked him if he was going to ask Biden about the 30m AZ vaccines sitting in warehouses over in the US.

Is the j&j yoke the only one of the vaccines which is an actual vaccine?

I’d say he’s still pissed about not getting to go to White House

Sulking like a big baby

He actually has the hair of an 18 month old baby at the minute with those light straggly bits of hair streaming down the side of his head.

Hard to believe he’s the son of a champion boxer isn’t it?

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Conor Murray not starting Sunday I see