Coronavirus - Here come the variants

And from the same Dr Walley today.


This gets worse.

Lecturing a woman as she grieves over two dead siblings.

I’m off to the COTY thread.

Edit - @TheUlteriorMotive got there before me.


It’s incredible that they are allowed to do this without any questioning. Lots of reports of cases in schools. Parents notified etc. We all want schools to remain open and clearly NPHET and Government do too so they don’t mention schools at all.

In years to come we’ll look back at this with amazement - it’s stage management and distraction worthy of David Copperfield.

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No harm to second it on the official thread lest the level of his cuntology gets lost in time.

How could they even mention it …I mean the last time you’d see a loved one before they die …someone who could have been terrified in a hospital room for the last 4 weeks on their own…happened someone I know and they raised hell every day to get in to see their mother in hospital …they are adamant that the mother perked up and survived only because the family visited so often …


Serious small town clergy energy from that guy. Insane.

Do you think there’ll be open disobedience/mass breach of restrictions in very public ways any time soon? Or will we plod along until vaccinations reach a critical mass with folk selectively and inconspicuously doing a few bits on the sly in the meantime? There’s the conflict of opinion polls seemingly favouring conservative reopening/cautious unwinding of restrictions but anecdotally people are breaking them all over the shop. But the breaches seem to mainly cover the softer stuff and are on an individual basis like visiting someone in their home or travelling outside your 5km. It would need groups of businesses to reopen to really put it up to Walley and co.

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PS, I favour a zero Covid approach myself.


I think there are fewer gullible halfwits on here than you’ll find on most sites, but you should be careful with that sort of banter regardless


The latter. I think.

I think your spirit is broken.

Was there a warning about the colour green at yesterday’s press conference? Text came through from the school last night saying kids were not to dress up for paddy’s day today as they usually would on the day before as they were putting ‘safety first’.

Might be more than one but think this could be my neighbours down home. 3 of 5 offspring tested positive, all self isolating since funeral last week. Only immediate family at funeral etc

Either way, he can go fuck himself. Id actually think less of anyone who did listen to the cunt and wouldn’t hold their father’s hand on his deathbed.

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The lack of empathy and outright bull shit from yer man Walley is astounding. What a sanctimonious prick. Let’s give a case of genuine people caring for a loved one and shame them and others for wanting to not leave a loved one die alone.

What good does a story like this do other than scare elderly people?

There are far more serious issues out there. I spoke before about how shit the meat handling factories have been handling this with little or no change and was told that they are all good now. I can’t verify the figures below, but they are being released by the Construct Industry Federation which would have government involvement so I’d hope they are accurate stats they are releasing. But it’s clear that there are still lots of areas of transmission problems but the government, or NPHET, are happy to focus on individual anecdotes.


Yous were warned a year ago.

Let your elders die alone lads. Otherwise you are killing old people


The last week has seen a spike in cases in places such as Offaly and Longford, which are usually low down on the table. These are being driven by meat factories, particularly AIBP.

Goodman is notorious for moving workers, largely foreign nationals, from factory to factory if production has to be increased or there’s a shortfall in staff due to Covid. He’s gotten a free pass in this regard all along.


Interesting names and addresses here. Some would say it belongs on another tread

The Limerick thread?


The little lady went back to school yesterday after a very difficult lockdown. Delighted to be back. Principal went over the intercom twice and then visited every class to tell them they really should wear masks. Obviously this is beyond the Nepht recommendations. Trying to force 9 year olds to do things they shouldn’t. Arseholes.