Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Maybe the principal and staff are nervous as fuck about catching the covid.

Not everyone reads tfk to be enlightened.

That’s being kind. You’d think anyone promoting such an inhumane measure would have some sort of scientific basis for doing so. It’s not entirely his fault but there’d be no harm in bating him senseless, best to err on the side of caution.
The smart move here is to contact the halfwit and ask him for a copy of the risk assessment he carried out in relation to masks. Point out that you missed the compulsory parental consultation

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It’s very possible and understandable. Stick to the health guidelines though and dont be scaring the children with your own feelings. Kids getting mixed messages because the parents are listening to nepht and the principal is doing her own thing. We’ve enough shit we have to do without them making up stuff to make kids more anxious.

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The lidtf crew will be seething that we dont have more deaths


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Walked Grafton Street last week, 3 or 4 shops completely gutted out that were trading before Christmas and won’t be opening will take a very long time to recover, this has simply gone on too long.


It’s sad to see the city centre hollowed out like this. The new hybrid model of working and accelerated growth of online retail means it won’t recover.

The only thing left soon will be takeaway coffee places.

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It’s very sad seeing all of the shops and pubs with their Christmas stuff still up. Apocalyptic feel to the place. Feels very much like people have given up, at least in Europe they still go about trying to reopen things. Here it is risk avoidance, lack of acknowledgement of trade offs and a false narrative of business vs health.


Lack of any data of trade offs is scandalous. I thought one of the big 3 were hired to compile all that data months and months ago.

Drunk on power

See Abercrombie gone out of the old Bank building. Concentrating on an online model. €750k rent for the year makes it impossible.

The city center is absolutely destroyed. Dublin will struggle to recover with so many WFH and no events or tourists

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Life finds a way.

2 summers totally empty. Dublin has no domestic tourism when no concerts etc.

Dublin City Council will have to find a way to replace all those lost rates.

Took them long enough to put a few tables out and allow outdoor dining. Wouldn’t be counting on them.
Any Retailer that has remained open have been making hay. Huge increases in Sales despite having very limited range to sell from.

If you read his comment - “I asked her what lesson did she learn from this?” - he sounds like he’s just bullying an old vulnerable person.

We’ll need to engineer a big war to get over this, like WW2 after the great depression.