Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Whoops…2 years

How is it transmitted then mate?

Genuine question - I’m no scientist, just struggling to understand that piece.

With previous respitory viruses - if you didnt have symptoms, it tended to mean you weren’t sick.

This is the medicine for Covid deniers. This cunt claimed it was all a great conspiracy.

Where is the conspiracy there mate?

Life expectancy in Tanzania is what exactly?

That’s a question you should address to Mr Magufuli. Oh wait! You can’t. The conspiracy killed him.

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It was actually heart issues mate.

61 is the equivalent to 78 years of age here in terms of average life expectancy…ie 65 vs 82.

Don’t think there is anything to throw stones about there from under the bed.

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Cark Yesterday…

cc @endakenny @farmerinthecity @Tank


You believe what you want pal. He reckoned praying & herbal steam therapy would protect people. 2 of his cabinet died of covid and he still denied it was a problem, just a western conspiracy.

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Covid is a mere annoyance in comparison to the real problems that people face on a daily basis in Sub Sahara Africa mate.

I don’t know much about your man, but it probably comes down to that ultimately.

It’s airborne, so spread by small droplets in the air, not just sneezing or coughing, singing, talking or even breathing can transmit it. Asymptomatic are less contagious than symptomatic, but those infected are most contagious for the few days before they develop symptoms.

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Be careful getting up on the misses at the weekend

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Hard to believe one year on this still needs explaining

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Have you still got the bag hanging around your waste?

Mind your own business, you auld cunt.

He was the president of the country, I don’t think he had to worry all that much about malaria or being attacked by a hippopotamus

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What a nasty Cunt you are


Had he cousins living near your family below in Cork who ye knew from Dino’s or Lennox’s was it?

Great to see it.

I’m very sorry, I haven’t the faintest idea what that means?
Is there a gag in there somewhere??

I do. I’m thinking of upgrading to a hybrid version. Better miles to the gallon