Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’m well aware of it kid, its totally wrong - more important than ever to break it at every opportunity, visit family etc.

I don’t subscribe to this bullshit.

And what do you think is going to happen next winter?

A return to normal ie February 2020?

Dr Knut Moe here on The Tonight Show.

He was great on The Simpsons.

That’s a fantastic post. Rand Paul in my head has been programmed the last few years to be one of the bad guys. That could be Ru Paul either though…Anyway, it’s worth every second.

On a slightly related issue, I overheard somebody reprimanding their pup called ‘Fauci’ the other day which I thought ticked a lot of boxes on dog naming and gave a hark back to ‘Baggio’ who lived a few doors up when the summers burned harder.


Fauci seems unassailable, impervious to sense, logic or censure. He’s advocated no masks, one mask and two masks, praised the governors who’ve done the worst, funded research in wuhan which was illegal in the US etc. If @Tierneevin1979 had any gumption at all fauci would be riddled by now…and not with covid

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Listening to the Irish virologist fella on Prime Time earlier he more or less said that at the current rate of vaccination there probably shouldn’t be any easing of restrictions until late Summer or early Autumn. Apart from maybe outdoor sport for the kids. Certainly seems like nothing indoors will be allowed anyway.

Yes, that seems to be what they’ve concluded and what they’re briefing their useful idiot stooges like George Lee to report. A lot of social media dissent towards Ronan Glynn’s appeal for people to do more. RTE have the clip up on Twitter and it’s almost universally people saying fuck off, we can do no more. I found it interesting because you’d usually get a lot of NPHET loyalists in the comments, but people are fed up.


Northern Ireland will never have as good a summer for tourism

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Fachi failed horrendously in Jan - March 2020 to prepare the US and the world for an emerging pandemic. He has zero credibility, anyone quoting him as an expert should be ashamed of themselves. A charlatan.

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And he wants infants vaccinated now. He’s a menace

If they hand on heart want to end this, then they gather all the vials and vaccinate the 18-25 age group. That’s the group that is re-introducing the growth on each occasion. The cuntology of Paul Greed speaking about the 18-49 age group being an issue is really irritating. It’s late teens and early 20’s who are keeping the cases a thing. Not criticising them, I’d be a number myself I’d say. They can’t call it as is because the mothers in poorer suburban Dublin will kick up and call victimhood. Usual shit.

From a quick Twitter search there NPHET seem to be getting criticised a lot so hopefully the government do their usual and take their lead from what people on Twitter are saying and open up

You were told that 6 months ago.

The golf courses in NI are open from April 1st. People will be able to play team sports again from 12th April. By May most of society up there will be fully operational again and by June they will more than likely be able to fly abroad on their holidays again. From the few bits I gleaned today it looks like our lot want level 5 until June. NPHET want to override EMA, NIAC, WHO advice and at this stage the Geneva convention of human rights. Its really staggering how little appetite there is to open up and you know get going again.


We might be told it again in another 6 months prior to winter setting in.

And an uplift of 3/4% in tax bands as a ‘variant’ of the USC to pay for this nonsense.

Which will see mass giving out for 10 days and then acceptance.


A lot of lads on here would do well to pay attention to what’s actually going on, not what they want to happen. It’s been clear for a while now that summer will be cancelled or pushed out to a few weeks in August. The 4th wave sound bites have been sounded since January and are slowly picking up more momentum… The vaccine rollout isn’t all on bad supply, they’re clearly going in 3rd gear and will stay there into June.


Pat Kenny just had what can only be described as a curtain twitchers segment where he spent a few minutes reading out texts from a load of busy body cunts complaining about everyone else.