Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I am convinced that these are the type that want more restrictions in polls. But what they mean is more restrictions for other people. I think I read somewhere that there was also polling that showed that most people thought they were obeying the restrictions much more than others.

Interesting theory.

“I’m out for a walk in the park and it’s a disgrace how crowded the park is” merchants



While Glynn and Nolan continue to chastise us, the construction of Intel’s new chip plant in Leixlip is coming along nicely. Due to open in 2023 so hard to understand how it is considered an essential project. 5k workers on site everyday.

A big bouncy wedgie to all our frontline staff.


Seriously? That’s outrageous.

They did allow Intel to build on the existing main road so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

Hard to believe but yes it’s true

Paddy is happy living in lockdown and bickering about the neighbours meeting others outdoors. Long live NPHET

Drove past there the other day and area was hopping. Queues for buses etc.

Heard of a southside house in residential area that housed students that had a dozen pals in it Sunday 11am. Neighbours called guards who came straight in the door, searched them , fines for all.

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Cork, Patrick’s day.
The Lough.


Pete Lunn from ESRI who advises NPHET likes to roll out the 73% of people believe they are above average drivers stat. You’ll see similar results to that lockdown poll when it comes to opinions on taxation. The general public believe they are infallible and it’s some ‘other’ grouping who are to blame for everything.

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It’s the human condition. We are innately optimistic. There’s loads of examples, overwhelming majority of people believe they are better than average drivers, of people getting married believe they have a better than average chance of remaining together, and so on.

Every criminal thinks they’re going to get away with it.

I think everyone just needs to do a bit more

Glynner just wants us all to wear the green jersey a bit longer

Must check if Simon Harris has issued a patronising tweet on the matter

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Is there anything to be said for wearing sack cloth and ashes?

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This Examiner journalist kinda captures the public mood. Maybe there will be uproar after all, if they try to limit the easing of restrictions until mid summer.


Stop another wave? We drowned in January Ronan.

I’ll ask the same obvious question but there never really is an answer…

is there anybody actually getting sick here or dying ?
given all the punters in their 80s have been jabbed almost why are we even bothering with this??
for the sake of consistency . put us in l3 or some nonsense if they want to extend the vaccine coverage to fellas over 70 just to be absolutely anal about it…but lads…what are we at?